What about to bring back an old project (wx.net) ?


New member
Nov 13, 2023
Programming Experience
Hello There

I have been practising and learning Mono C# and using Monodevelop as my main IDE and developing platform for C# On Linux(I am learning C++ for knowledge). But what I cannot find is a standard GUI for Mono or Mono Develop (there is not a complete Win forms, and we only have GTK# ) I have been looking for something else and there was something called as WX.Net (check on source forge about this project). I was thinking about because Wx Widgets is very well-used on Windows, Mac and Linux to bring alive again this project (I mean WX.NET it has not being updated since 2010) and may be to have another standard GUI library for multiplatform development with C# and Mono. There are so many people on different forums asking what happened to WX.NET. I don't know, but it would be nice to know what the c# developers (Linux and Windows) think about this and may be if someone would like to give back this project.
Just my opinion: wxWidgets and its predecessors use the imperative way of building a GUI. With the advent of HTML and it's consequent influence on Silverlight and the birth of XAML, the declarative way of build a GUI is the current fashion. Maybe the pendulum will swing back towards imperative GUI programming again, or maybe not.
Just my opinion: wxWidgets and its predecessors use the imperative way of building a GUI. With the advent of HTML and it's consequent influence on Silverlight and the birth of XAML, the declarative way of build a GUI is the current fashion. Maybe the pendulum will swing back towards imperative GUI programming again, or maybe not.

Thanks for your opinion for me any opinion (good or bad is valuable), but speaking about GUI. I just see that there is not a standard gui on Linux (Windows is a different history) in this case for example WX.net i think was a good project and also Wxwidgets is multiplatform (Linux, Mac and Windows) it would not be a multiplaform GUI to be given a new life on C# and .Net ? I mean Windows Foundations works on Windows but on Linux is a complete history and at the end there is also GTK but a see there is not a standard GUI on Linux.
If it was a good project, then why did it die?
I don't know but like any open-source project some good one are still alive and other dies because people do not have time, are busy doing different things, etc.... I am thinking to make it alive. But I cannot do it alone some I have been thinking about to ask more developers to see if they are interested or may be even maybe I would ask to Wx Widgets developers. As I am not experienced programmer in C++ or C# then I cannot handle it alone at the moment.

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