What data type is this and how to read it?


New member
Sep 18, 2020
Programming Experience
Hi, I am working with a C# class in an ASP.NET project. This is for a project in an online course that I am taking

One of the fields is an IEnumerable of class Pie and I am initializing it with a collection of new Pie objects.

Here is the code that is causing the issue

public IEnumerable<Pie> AllPies =>
            new List<Pie>
                new Pie {PieId = 1, Name="Strawberry Pie", Price=15.95M, ShortDescription="Lorem Ipsum", LongDescription="Icing carrot cake jelly-o cheesecake. Sweet roll marzipan marshmallow toffee brownie brownie candy tootsie roll. Chocolate cake gingerbread tootsie roll oat cake pie chocolate bar cookie dragée brownie. Lollipop cotton candy cake bear claw oat cake. Dragée candy canes dessert tart. Marzipan dragée gummies lollipop jujubes chocolate bar candy canes. Icing gingerbread chupa chups cotton candy cookie sweet icing bonbon gummies. Gummies lollipop brownie biscuit danish chocolate cake. Danish powder cookie macaroon chocolate donut tart. Carrot cake dragée croissant lemon drops liquorice lemon drops cookie lollipop toffee. Carrot cake carrot cake liquorice sugar plum topping bonbon pie muffin jujubes. Jelly pastry wafer tart caramels bear claw. Tiramisu tart pie cake danish lemon drops. Brownie cupcake dragée gummies.", Category = _categoryRepository.AllCategories.ToList()[0],ImageUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/strawberrypie.jpg", InStock=true, IsPieOfTheWeek=false, ImageThumbnailUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/strawberrypiesmall.jpg"},
                new Pie {PieId = 2, Name="Cheese cake", Price=18.95M, ShortDescription="Lorem Ipsum", LongDescription="Icing carrot cake jelly-o cheesecake. Sweet roll marzipan marshmallow toffee brownie brownie candy tootsie roll. Chocolate cake gingerbread tootsie roll oat cake pie chocolate bar cookie dragée brownie. Lollipop cotton candy cake bear claw oat cake. Dragée candy canes dessert tart. Marzipan dragée gummies lollipop jujubes chocolate bar candy canes. Icing gingerbread chupa chups cotton candy cookie sweet icing bonbon gummies. Gummies lollipop brownie biscuit danish chocolate cake. Danish powder cookie macaroon chocolate donut tart. Carrot cake dragée croissant lemon drops liquorice lemon drops cookie lollipop toffee. Carrot cake carrot cake liquorice sugar plum topping bonbon pie muffin jujubes. Jelly pastry wafer tart caramels bear claw. Tiramisu tart pie cake danish lemon drops. Brownie cupcake dragée gummies.", Category = _categoryRepository.AllCategories.ToList()[1],ImageUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/cheesecake.jpg", InStock=true, IsPieOfTheWeek=false, ImageThumbnailUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/cheesecakesmall.jpg"},
                new Pie {PieId = 3, Name="Rhubarb Pie", Price=15.95M, ShortDescription="Lorem Ipsum", LongDescription="Icing carrot cake jelly-o cheesecake. Sweet roll marzipan marshmallow toffee brownie brownie candy tootsie roll. Chocolate cake gingerbread tootsie roll oat cake pie chocolate bar cookie dragée brownie. Lollipop cotton candy cake bear claw oat cake. Dragée candy canes dessert tart. Marzipan dragée gummies lollipop jujubes chocolate bar candy canes. Icing gingerbread chupa chups cotton candy cookie sweet icing bonbon gummies. Gummies lollipop brownie biscuit danish chocolate cake. Danish powder cookie macaroon chocolate donut tart. Carrot cake dragée croissant lemon drops liquorice lemon drops cookie lollipop toffee. Carrot cake carrot cake liquorice sugar plum topping bonbon pie muffin jujubes. Jelly pastry wafer tart caramels bear claw. Tiramisu tart pie cake danish lemon drops. Brownie cupcake dragée gummies.", Category = _categoryRepository.AllCategories.ToList()[0],ImageUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/rhubarbpie.jpg", InStock=true, IsPieOfTheWeek=true, ImageThumbnailUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/rhubarbpiesmall.jpg"},
                new Pie {PieId = 4, Name="Pumpkin Pie", Price=12.95M, ShortDescription="Lorem Ipsum", LongDescription="Icing carrot cake jelly-o cheesecake. Sweet roll marzipan marshmallow toffee brownie brownie candy tootsie roll. Chocolate cake gingerbread tootsie roll oat cake pie chocolate bar cookie dragée brownie. Lollipop cotton candy cake bear claw oat cake. Dragée candy canes dessert tart. Marzipan dragée gummies lollipop jujubes chocolate bar candy canes. Icing gingerbread chupa chups cotton candy cookie sweet icing bonbon gummies. Gummies lollipop brownie biscuit danish chocolate cake. Danish powder cookie macaroon chocolate donut tart. Carrot cake dragée croissant lemon drops liquorice lemon drops cookie lollipop toffee. Carrot cake carrot cake liquorice sugar plum topping bonbon pie muffin jujubes. Jelly pastry wafer tart caramels bear claw. Tiramisu tart pie cake danish lemon drops. Brownie cupcake dragée gummies.", Category = _categoryRepository.AllCategories.ToList()[2],ImageUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/pumpkinpie.jpg", InStock=true, IsPieOfTheWeek=true, ImageThumbnailUrl="https://gillcleerenpluralsight.blob.core.windows.net/files/pumpkinpiesmall.jpg"}

see the field Price=15.95M, Price=18.95M, Price=12.95M etc.

This came default in the exercise files. However when I key this in into Visual Studio I get error it cannot tell what data type is this. It is neither a Decimal or a String.

How do I fix this or make the compiler understand this data type?

It literally is a Decimal. That's exactly what the "M" (which stands for "money") suffix does: forces a numeric literal to type decimal, just as "L" forces it to type long. If you have an issue then I suspect that it's because that Price property is not that type. If you're still unsure, post the definition of the Pie class.

Also, don't post vague interpretations of error messages. Post the actual error message verbatim. You have no idea how many times people have claimed that they got an error message telling them one thing when it was actually telling them something completely different.
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As a demonstration, I just used this class:
class Pie
    public int PieId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
with this code:
public IEnumerable<Pie> AllPies =>
    new List<Pie>
        new Pie {PieId = 1, Name="Strawberry Pie", Price=15.95M},
        new Pie {PieId = 2, Name="Cheese cake", Price=18.95M},
        new Pie {PieId = 3, Name="Rhubarb Pie", Price=15.95M},
        new Pie {PieId = 4, Name="Pumpkin Pie", Price=12.95M}
and it worked exactly as expected. Changing the type of that Price property to double caused the following error message to be generated:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'decimal' to 'double'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
I can't think of any other reason that it wouldn't work or any other error message you'd get in that situation but, if you provide us with all the relevant information, maybe I'll realise something that I hadn't taken into account.

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