What is the proper way to add a DLL project to a solution?


Active member
Oct 24, 2012
Programming Experience
What is the proper way to add a DLL project to a solution?

I have a solution with a project (ASP.NET with C#) that uses a DLL. The app crashes inside the DLL. Fortunately, the DLL was written in-house and I have the source code for the DLL. My question is this.

What are the steps involved for including the DLL's project into my solution?

What I think is this. I put the source for the DLL into a subdirectory. Then I add the .cproj file to the solution by "adding new project" in the solution. Now, what I don't know off hand how to do is make sure that that project builds the DLL first, and that the project deposits the compiled DLL into the bin folder where the other project expects to find it. There might be other steps I need to do as well.
You don't add a new project because it's not a new project. It's an existing project so you add an existing project. That's all. You add an existing project and select the CSPROJ file for your existing project. Done. The project doesn't stop being part of its old solution; it just becomes part of this solution too. You would change the reference to point to the project rather than the compiled DLL and then you build. The IDE works out the dependencies and builds in the appropriate order. That's you have to do.
You don't add a new project because it's not a new project. It's an existing project so you add an existing project. That's all. You add an existing project and select the CSPROJ file for your existing project. Done. The project doesn't stop being part of its old solution; it just becomes part of this solution too. You would change the reference to point to the project rather than the compiled DLL and then you build. The IDE works out the dependencies and builds in the appropriate order. That's you have to do.

Perfect. Very good, sir. It worked perfectly as you suggest here!
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