What program can i use to read this code, is it readable?
This comes from the website C# Developer Community
This comes from the website C# Developer Community
void create()
// file pointer
fstream fout;
// opens an existing csv file or creates a new file.
fout.open("reportcard.csv", ios::eek:ut | ios::app);
cout << "Enter the details of 5 students:"
<< " roll name maths phy chem bio";
<< endl;
int i, roll, phy, chem, math, bio;
string name;
// Read the input
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cin >> roll
>> name
>> math
>> phy
>> chem
>> bio;
// Insert the data to file
fout << roll << ", "
<< name << ", "
<< math << ", "
<< phy << ", "
<< chem << ", "
<< bio
<< "\n";
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