I can have a website that provides services for education and I just provide a wrapper for this website and can publish it in a web or mobile application?
Hmm, you've gone from asking which one would be better to learn, and which makes more money, to ask how a wrapper works with a web view. I'm not sure your question was really implied, but I will answer it anyway.
You can publish your wrapper in a desktop or mobile application. Your website application is what gets wrapped in the wrapper. Your wrapper is either in your desktop or mobile app. Let me explain a little since you asked, but I won't go into all the details about how they do this without their webpages refreshing while navigating or populating depopulating certain controls on a page etc. That's a separate discussion in of itself.
On desktop apps, you would write a custom wrapper, or if you're lazy, you
could use chromium/cefsharp browser control to project your website onto your
desktop app. Your website would then be the main interface on your desktop application. (See note below about mobile versions.) You could have additional functionality, to interact with the browser control separately via a menu or buttons. (This is what
Valve did with their store/UI) as did
Discord with the exception of an additional views on the left pane to display your Discord server information and current friends. Big companies like those are leading by example. And that is why there is a lot more work in web-based programming as companies are building their infrastructures on web-based platforms and following suite. This is the modern concept I get asked to implement when doing freelance work. Although I do it a little differently admittedly, and I don't use cefcharp, but the example still applies.
Note : For mobile apps, you would use a webview as in Xamarin see
xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples this would be the correct way to do it for android etc.
If you wanted to save yourself time, you could write a cross platform application which would compile to all platforms. But this along with wpf outlined by Skydiver has a bit of a learning curve, especially if you're coming from windows forms, you will soon see that a lot of the code functionality is not the same as traditional winforms.