Word Guessing Game/Hangman


Nov 9, 2016
Programming Experience
Any one have an idea how I would output the letters that are guessed correctly from a word that I enter compared to the random word generated.
The code below outputs the length of word using underscores but I would like to replace the underscores with letters that I enter in and have been guessed correctly to it like hangman, thanks!

private void btnClue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            char[] a = new char[randomWord.Length];//creates new array of random word length

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                a[i] = '_';

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                lblClue.Text += a[i].ToString() + " "; // outputs underscores for random words length

Here's one option:
private string GetWordWithGuessedCharacters(string word, params char[] guessedCharacters)
    var chars = word.ToCharArray();
    var output = chars.Select(ch => guessedCharacters.Contains(ch) ? ch : '_').ToArray();

    return new string(output);
Try calling that method like this:
var output1 = GetWordWithGuessedCharacters("medicine", 'e', 'i');
or like this:
var output1 = GetWordWithGuessedCharacters("medicine", new[] {'e', 'i'});
As that shows, you just need to have the original word as a string and the correct guesses as chars.
Any one have an idea how I would output the letters that are guessed correctly from a word that I enter compared to the random word generated.
The code below outputs the length of word using underscores but I would like to replace the underscores with letters that I enter in and have been guessed correctly to it like hangman, thanks!

private void btnClue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            char[] a = new char[randomWord.Length];//creates new array of random word length

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                a[i] = '_';

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                lblClue.Text += a[i].ToString() + " "; // outputs underscores for random words length


Thank you! But how would it work when i enter the word into a listbox and its stored as randomWord instead of calling the word in a parameter?
Good grief. You obviously must know what word the user is trying to guess. You simply pass that word. Where comes from is irrelevant. It's a string regardless. Stop waiting for people to post code you can copy and paste and start using your head when people post examples. I provided you with an example that demonstrates passing a string contain a word. Whether that string is a literal or a string variable or the Text of a TextBox or somewhere else is completely irrelevant because a string is a string.
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