Question A/B Testing or System Testing


Active member
May 1, 2023
Haldwani, Uttarakhand
Programming Experience
Hello this is Gulshan Negi
Well, nowadays I am learning about A/B testing and System testing but according to this post, system testing is reffered as software testing which is more important than A/B testing, can anyone give their suggestion on this that is system testing is also reffered as software testing and is system testing is more important then A/B testing?
Normally, you do system or software testing to test for correctness of features implemented by the code. You would do A/B testing to see what set of features users prefer, or lend themselves to be more usable, or less error prone.

Basically you test both Coke and Pepsi to make sure that they don't kill the customers. You then do A/B testing to see whether customers prefer Coke or Pepsi.
What a way to express both in very simple words, I really not expected that. Amazing and excellent, I am going to share this answer with my mates.
Thanks a lot for your kind reponse and time.
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