Question <input type="text" @bind-value="@client.Name" generating a lot of errors - Blazor


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2021
Programming Experience
Hello all,
I'm working on the Add/Update page. Before, I had typed just value instead of @bind-value, and it appeared the correct value, but those fields were not updated. (Could it be because it was missing the "two way" binding?). Then I changed to @bind-value as you can see in the code, and I got seven errors "Left part of an assignment must be a variable, a property, or an indexer"; but the left part is @bind-value!
@page "/AddEditClient/{id:int}"
@using WebAPICountries.Models
@using WebAPICountries.Blazor.Services
@inject NavigationManager Navigator


<label>Client Name:</label>
<br />
<input type="text" @bind-value="@client?.Name" />
<br />
<br />
<select @onchange="DeptValueChanged">
    @foreach (var department in departments)
        if (client?.Department?.Id == department.Id)
            <option value="@department.Id" selected>@department.Name</option>
            <option value="@department.Id">@department.Name</option>
<br />
<br />
<input type="text" @bind-value="@client?.Salary" />
<br />
<label>Hire Date:</label>
<br />
<input type="text" @bind-value="@client?.HireDate" />
<br />
<br />
<select @onchange="CityValueChanged">
    @foreach (var city in cities)
        if (client?.City?.Id == city.Id)
            <option value="@city.Id" selected>@city.Name</option>
            <option value="@city.Id">@city.Name</option>
<br />
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" @onclick="SaveClient">Save Client</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-close btn-sm" @onclick="Cancel">Cancel</button>

@code {
    public int id { get; set; }
    private string? title;
    private int departmentId = 0;
    private List<Department>? departments;
    private DepartmentService? departmentService;
    private List<City> cities;
    private CityService cityService;
    private ClientService? clientService;
    private Client? client;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        if (id == 0)
            title = "Add New Client";
            title = "Update Client";

        departmentService = new DepartmentService();
        departments = departmentService.GetAllDepartments();
        cityService = new CityService();
        cities = cityService.GetAllCities();
        clientService = new ClientService();
        if (id > 0)
            client = clientService.GetClientById(id);
            client = new Client();

    private void DeptValueChanged(ChangeEventArgs e)
        client.Department.Id = Convert.ToInt16(e.Value?.ToString());

    private void CityValueChanged(ChangeEventArgs e)
        client.City.Id = Convert.ToInt32(e.Value?.ToString());

    private void SaveClient()
        if (client?.Id == 0)

    private void Cancel()

The other issue I'm getting refers to MudBlazor's IDialogService.ShowMessageBox() method. The below code has no errors neither runtime, it works fine except that the MessageBox is never shown. I debugged the page and it stops at the DeleteClient() method's first sentence (which calls the ShowMessageBox() method), then I continued and the second sentence is never reached, it is skipped. I would imagine there's an error in the first sentence, but can't figure what, because I stole that code from here: MudBlazor - Blazor Component Library
@page "/ClientList"
@using MudBlazor;
@using WebAPICountries.Models
@using WebAPICountries.Blazor.Services
@inject NavigationManager Navigator

<h2>Client List</h2>

<button type="button" class="btn-primary btn-sm" @onclick="AddNewClient">Add New Client</button>
<table class="table">
            <th>Hire Date</th>
        @foreach (var client in clients)
                <td> <button type="button" class="btn-secondary btn-sm" @onclick="() => UpdateClient(client.Id)">Update</button></td>
                <td> <button type="button" class="btn-danger btn-sm" @onclick="() => DeleteClient(client.Id)">Delete</button></td>

@code {
    private IDialogService? dialogService;
    private List<Client>? clients;
    private ClientService? clientService;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        clientService = new ClientService();
        clients = clientService.GetAllClients();
        dialogService = new DialogService();

    private void AddNewClient()

    private void UpdateClient(int id)
        Navigator.NavigateTo("/AddEditClient/" + id.ToString());

    private async void DeleteClient(int id)
        bool? result = await dialogService.ShowMessageBox(
            "Deleting can not be undone!",
            yesText: "Delete!", cancelText: "Cancel");
        if (result == true)
I would appreciate your help very much. Thanks!

You can't do this, even in normal c#: C# Online Compiler | .NET Fiddle

When you use @bind-value, c# takes what you supply and wires it up for you as if you'd written this:

 Value="client?.Salary" ValueChanged="v=>client?.Salary = v"

You can't assign to an expression that propagates a nul


Not really sure why you're mixing standard Blazor inputs and MudBlazor... why no MudTextField?
I would imagine there's an error in the first sentence, but can't figure what

The example uses dependency [Inject]ion to create the dialog service; you created it yourself. It doesn't work if you do:

Hi cjard,
I'm moving (or trying to) all my project to MudBlazor. You'll see my new questions soon.
Thank you.
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