IntelliCode for Visual Studio 2017


New member
Aug 5, 2021
Programming Experience

Bit of a long shot this one, but would anyone have the install file (vsix) for a version of the IntelliCode extension for Visual Studio 2017?

Was issued a new work laptop a few months ago, and the latest VS we have a licence for is 2017, and not much of any chance of an upgrade any time soon.
Was using the IntelliCode extension on my old laptop, and when setting up my new laptop could not find IntelliCode for download anywhere, it used to be here in the marketplace

After posting on a Microsoft forum & on the IntelliCode GitHub, the response from Microsoft is "we no longer supporting or maintaining IntelliCode for Visual Studio 2017. The extension has now been removed from the marketplace." and if you want to carry on using IntelliCode then to get VS 2019

So does anyone have the install file anywhere that they would be willing to share?

Does your company do remote backups? Did they happen to backup your old laptop before they issued you a new one?
Can't you copy the .vsix file from the old machine?
As I installed it directly through Visual Studio, as far as I can tell, there is no copy of the .vsix file anywhere on the old machine.

I found an IntelliCode folder somewhere within the Visual Studio folders, which I copied across to my new machine, but Visual Studio didn't pick it up so I would assume there is some config required.
Internet Archive Wayback Machine?
I've looked previously, but have just checked again.
As the markeplace requires a login, that is not in the wayback machine, and searching the internet archive files for IntelliCode doesn't find it unfortunately.
Out of curiosity, what specific IntelliCode features are you looking for? Chances are JetBrain's ReSharper has the same set of features for a reasonable price. The amount of time you've already spent searching could easily be converted to dollars and cents and be justified to your management chain as a cost that is worth paying.