Question Starting Mobile Development with C# (and Android)


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2021
Programming Experience
Hello all
I am an experienced C# programmer, desktop applications and video games. I would like to get into Mobile development, for example to make an app for my cell phone. By now, the only I know is that a Mobile app file extension is .apk. I don't even know if this is the correct sub forum. I would appreciate any tips or advice on how getting started in this technology.
Thank you in advance.
Have an Intel based machine. The emulator sucks (or completely doesn't work) for AMD processors.

Don't install the Android SDK separately. Let the Visual Studio Installer install it when you pick the mobile development workload.

Have a nice long USB cable to connect your PC to your phone when it off time to test on device instead of using the emulator

If you want to deploy for iPhone, you also need a Mac.
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