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  1. S

    SQLite Insert Into

    AAAAAAAAGH! Thanks so much!
  2. S

    SQLite Insert Into

    I keep getting "Insufficient parameters supplied to the command" exception when running the code below. I have tried several versions of code with the same result. Searching on line has given me hundreds of examples of this exception, but they have all been simply typos or they used another of...
  3. S

    Please help with a Regex Pattern

    Here's what I ended up using. (?<=StdDev_{iteration}:)\s*((?:\d*\.?)\d+)(?:[eE]([\+-]?\d+))?
  4. S

    Please help with a Regex Pattern

    ...Group 2 = E-0 Group 3 = 2 Match 2 = 0.127890201279279 Group 1 = 0.12789020127927 Group 3 = 9 If it is in Scientific Notation then I want the number of places. Here is my pattern (?<=StdDev_\d:\s)(\d*\.\d*)(E[-|+]\d)?(\d{1,2}) I have tried a number of variations. Thank you for your help.
  5. S

    Create a file from the Arduino serial communication (using a HMI)

    Here is how I get the incoming data. Snippetpublic void DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { string buffer = string.Empty; try { while ((sender as SerialPort).BytesToRead > 0) { buffer += (sender as SerialPort).ReadExisting()...
  6. S

    Help identify the failure to update the property

    ...I used a dictionary so I could have the object name and its status. When the program starts it loads the dictionary and sets the status to "***." Whenever a watched property changes the program saves the instrument and in that method it sets the value to "Saved." I specifically called...
  7. S

    XAML does not have a DataContext

    Fixed. The problem was the "InitializeComponent();" was not being recognized. The fix was to edit the XAML and resave it. Found on SO The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context.
  8. S

    XAML does not have a DataContext

    I am being told by the error list that MainWindowView does not have a data context. And another error saying it does not have a Show method. It has in the past and I am stumped on how to locate the real issue. protected override async void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) {...
  9. S

    Responding to context menu.

    Thanks, Skydiver, Hard coding passed the parameter as expected, so I looked at the binding to the parameter. As soon as I try to bind to the text in the run where the port name is, I get null at the command. So it is the binding that is not right, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I am...
  10. S

    DataContext is unknown

    Take the DataContext line out of the MainWindow code behind and put it in the startup protected override async void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { await AppHost!.StartAsync(); var startUpForm = AppHost.Services.GetRequiredService<MainWindow>()...
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    Resolved WPF DataGridRow values to TextBoxes-MVVM

    You have the property CustomerSelected bound to the SelectedItem in the databgrid. So in the property just call a method and pass the "object" to it. The object in your case is a GetCustomer model. So everything is there. It is that object you want to edit. When you're done with it you can just...
  12. S

    Trying Dependency Injection Without Success

    Second attempt! I am trying to inject a logger into my MainWindowViewModel. /// <summary> /// Entry point for application. /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> protected override async void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { await...
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    Resolved WPF DataGridRow values to TextBoxes-MVVM

    I am sorry it took so long to reply. When you define a data type for a DataTemplate, that tells the program to "show this" when ever you encounter a CustomerViewModel. When I do that, I have my DataTemplate defined like this. <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:InstrumentViewModel}">...
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    Resolved WPF DataGridRow values to TextBoxes-MVVM

    If you don't mind it being several days late, here are some suggestions. First; in your xaml, you don't need to name anything unless you are going to refer to it in xaml somewhere down the file. Then you will be referring to ElementName. The bindings take care of the connection between the UI...
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    After Forced Update Services Are Gone

    Also, reverting to an earlier commit did not help.
  16. S

    After Forced Update Services Are Gone

    Not really. I believe this is a Visual Studio problem. This program runs 24/7 and services sites globally. Since VS forced me to try to upgrade it will not compile. I am down to two main problems. The WebServiceClient is not defined and the namespace ThisProgram.LimsAppService doesn't contain...
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    After Forced Update Services Are Gone

    I opened a legacy VB program in Visual Studio that I have been maintaining for years. I was hit with a dialog box that said .Net 4.2 was no longer supported and I had to upgrade to 4.7. No way to just say no or postpone. Either accept or exit. I had to work on it so I accepted. After clearing...
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    Resolved Help make this converter work, please.

    Never mind. There was also an error at line 318 of the resources file. There was an errant /> laying there. ???? Don't know where it even came from. Once I deleted it, all the other errors went away including the error I wrote about. The project built, I got an exception because the object type...
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