Search results for query: *

  1. C

    Error loading datagridview...

    ...a simple query. The error I get is: Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Here is the code: string sSQL = "select * from Table ORDER BY FieldFK"; DataClass dbName = new DataClass(sDBConnection); dbName.OpenConnection(); //Load the data to the screen...
  2. C

    Add ComboBox Item after loading from query...

    I have loaded a comboBox with items from a query. It works well. I need to add another item after loading from a query. It is an item that I don't want in the table. Is this possible? comboBox.ValueMember = "NetPK"; comboBox.DisplayMember = "NetName"; comboBox.DataSource = dt...
  3. C

    Get Selected Items from Listbox...

    Just one more question and a clarification. Clarification: How do I mark an answer as "Answered"? I don't see that option. Question: If I want to ADD an option to my listbox, i could not bind it to my datatable (results of my query - my current approach). I assume I would need to run the...
  4. C

    Get Selected Items from Listbox...

    That is a perfect answer! Worked great and makes sense. Thank you! and I appreciate the thought about the index access. That is indeed what I needed! Saved me posting back!
  5. C

    Get Selected Items from Listbox...

    I am trying to pull the selected values from a listbox. Seems simple on the surface. There are several examples referring to the following: foreach (var selecteditem in listBoxDocStatus.SelectedItems) { Debug.WriteLine("Selected Item is: " +...
  6. C

    Code just stops... Weirdest problem

    Hmmm... I think I just found it. The value that I am trying to set is null. My object (passedInCS.StatusFK) is null. So, it is bombing out of that and just displaying the form. I guess I am not accustomed to that behavior. I usually get some sort of an error saying it can't be set to null...
  7. C

    Code just stops... Weirdest problem

    So, I write lots of fairly utilitarian routines for lots of things. Nothing fancy. Today, I ran into the weirdest problem. My code processes just fine down to a certain line, and then, even though the routine continues on, the code just stops like it is the end of the routine. I step thru...
  8. C

    Linking Datagridviews...

    ...And the exact same link to table 3. private void getOrders(string sCustID) { string sSQLOrders = "SELECT * from Orders Where CustomerFK = " + sCustID; DataClass ProvCurrentDB = new DataClass(sDBConnection)...
  9. C

    Get value from currently select row/cell in datagridview except on Data Load

    Trying to use the following code to pull a value from a datagridview cell: private void dgvSQL_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtBoxMatchType.Text = dgvSQL.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); } The problem is that that loading the...
  10. C

    Create a pictureBox from code...Not displaying

    Trying to improve my coding skills by creating a picturebox with code. I can't get it to display on my form though. Seems pretty straightforward. Probably just missing a property?? I know my image has to be resized to fit, but that should be handled by the stretchImage property? Do i have to...
  11. C

    Memory Leak I can't seem to find...

    ...SplitCSV(string input) { //Function to split up the CSV row. Regex csvSplit = new Regex("(?:^|,)(\"(?:[^\"]+|\"\")*\"|[^,]*)", RegexOptions.Compiled); List<string> list = new List<string>(); string curr = null; foreach...
  12. C

    Memory Leak with Oracle Insert Statement...

    I did further testing. It does not seem to be this block of code. It actually seems to be the array that is built to create the string sql statement. I commented the insert statement call and the memory still creeps up. I am building an array with all the values that go into the sql...
  13. C

    Memory Leak with Oracle Insert Statement...

    As my program steps through a dictionary and inserts records, my memory usage creeps up until I get a failure in my code. I am opening my connection to Oracle at the beginning and then just reuse the same connection during the entire process. So, calling the following code with a large insert...
  14. C

    Acting on Checkbox click on datagridview...

    So, followed this line of thinking a bit more and was able to use .Value. Had to convert to boolean to read it, but then it set just fine. So, resolved. Apparently, I just had to sleep on it!
  15. C

    Acting on Checkbox click on datagridview...

    Yeah... I thought of that too. But, .Checked was not a property.
  16. C

    Acting on Checkbox click on datagridview...

    My Datagridview displays fine with a check box column tacked on the end. I need to ACT on my checkbox click though. I am trying something like the following but it never hits the false section. All I get is true. I need allow the user to check the box (and then act on it), but block an...
  17. C

    Non Blocking streamreader?

    I am reading a log file from another system to report errors more quickly with the following: while ((sLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { //check result of each line and do something } Problem is that the system is failing log writes because i have the file locked. One option is to copy...
  18. C

    Split on multiple character combination? Like '~INS|'

    I split all the time on single characters. I needs to split on a combination of characters though. Like '~INS|'. I can't seem to make this work. Is this possible? In other words, split my line of text on every instance of these characters together. Thanks, Dave
  19. C

    Simple CreateDirectory with two levels

    I read a bunch of posts about this. Seems simple. I need to add the following folder if it does not exist. H:\Health Plans\Enrollment\Name 834\2015\05 May\ The base will always exist (H:\Health Plans\Enrollment\Name 834\) So, I am just doing the following...
  20. C

    Read Text file lines split on Control Characters? ie. [STX], [FS]

    Thanks! I was finally able to create a split function that worked. sSplitOnHL = sLine.Split(new[] { (char) 30 }); //Split on [RS] Control Code I am still stumped on the replace though. I have tried sLine = sLine.Replace((char) 2, (char) 0 ); thinking that (char) 0 would replace with a null...
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