Search results for query: *

  1. Skydiver

    Creating a new object in a class using string

    I think you need to revisit your computer programming or computer science lessons/notes. Classes are meant to represent objects that share common behaviors and attributes. Instances of a class object will distinguish themselves from other instances of the class by having varying values for those...
  2. Skydiver

    Problem with tls

    This blog post may help:
  3. Skydiver

    What is the purpose of <List<T>?>

    The question mark is not an operator in that context. It is an annotation indicating that a null reference to a List<T> is valid. It is syntactic sugar for Nullable<List<T>>. It is the same as the case of a int? is basically Nullable<int>.
  4. Skydiver

    Question send web form values as URL Parameters?

    Is your intent to fill out the UI form, or to be able to submit the form with information as if the user filled out the form and hit the submit button? Depending on the web UI code/framework, you might be able to pre-fill some of the form fields so that when the page is displayed, then the...
  5. Skydiver

    Question Selenium WebDriver Filling a form

    It's not clear why this is a C# question. Sounds more like a HTML and/or Selenium issue. What exception are you getting? There is more than one way to get references to elements using Selenium than just using IDs. For example, you can use relative paths, just like CSS uses relative paths. Why...
  6. Skydiver

    error CS0234 name does not exist in the namespace?

    That error has nothing to do with the PythonList. That error has something to do with the "" Python script. The exception should have additional details like which line number or near which token. Any which way, that is a Python issue. This is a C# forum. You don't go to your...
  7. Skydiver

    Tip Introducing a very informative tutorial video for learning WPF custom controls.

    Interesting, but it looks like you are teaching just the fluffy GUI parts and are completely dependent on your Jamesnet WPF package. Someone who truly wants to learn how to create WPF custom controls needs to learn all the magic that you have in your Jamesnet, rather than how to use the magic in...
  8. Skydiver

    error CS0234 name does not exist in the namespace?

    The class IronPython.Runtime.List from IronPython 2.7.12 is now named IronPython.Runtime.PythonList in IronPython 3.4.1.
  9. Skydiver

    error CS0234 name does not exist in the namespace?

    I am assuming that you had installed IronPython 3.4.1. It looks like the List class has been renamed to PythonList. Or you could go back to IronPython 2.7.12.
  10. Skydiver

    Console string input to hexdecimal

    As an aside, if you can get the user to input the hex values without spaces or commas, then Convert.FromHexString() is another possible option. Sample usage: foreach(byte b in Convert.FromHexString("0BADF00D")) Console.WriteLine("{0:X2}", b); You can play with it some more with this .NET...
  11. Skydiver

    Console string input to hexdecimal

    May I suggest using a List<byte> instead. That way you can simply append to list as you parse each "value" from the console.
  12. Skydiver

    Question Loading GIF Picture From File Works But Not From Memory

    Yes, it would affect your app. The more memory you are holding on to, the more impact it would on the working set of your application. Depending on how much true physical RAM your machine has, and what other applications are running on the machine and their corresponding memory usage, the OS may...
  13. Skydiver

    End user report designer

    Great suggestions. Looking at the screenshots, they still look like they require savvy users who know what they are doing. It's not something that you just give to your grandma and let her figure out on her own (unless she was a computer scientist or engineer).
  14. Skydiver

    Question Create CSV file for each folder

    ...Directory.Create(folder_name) create CSV file in folder_name let table_name = $"Claims_{suffix}" let query = $"SELECT * FROM {table_name}" let command = new Command(query, ...) let dataReader = command.ExecuteQuery() while (dataReader.Read()) add row to CSV file
  15. Skydiver

    Question Loading GIF Picture From File Works But Not From Memory

    If the image data is coming from a resource, there is no need to copy into a memory stream. Just keep the resource stream open.
  16. Skydiver

    Question Generate excel files from a C# application

    ClosedXML let's you access rows and cells directly. Yes, it maybe convenient to just pass in a DataTable to ClosedXML to have it convert those into cells, but if you are looking for efficiency, then every extra bit of code you do not run, and every extra allocation that you do not make is one...
  17. Skydiver

    Question Generate excel files from a C# application

    Why do you need to convert from your Dictionary to DataTable before writing out to an Excel file?
  18. Skydiver

    Question how to make browser fingerprint change ?

    See post #2. What are your reasons for wanting to do this?
  19. Skydiver

    End user report designer

    Most people just use a report generator like Crystal Reports, but it does require that the user be savvy enough to be able to use a report generator. Those who are not savvy enough will have to depend of someone else to make pre-canned reports for them. On the surface the description "choose...
  20. Skydiver

    functions that start and stop in windows_task_scheduler?

    Based on our OP's other threads (and his cross posts to other forums), what he really means by "teach me" is "gimme-the-codez".
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