Search results for query: *

  1. S

    SQLite Insert Into

    I keep getting "Insufficient parameters supplied to the command" exception when running the code below. I have tried several versions of code with the same result. Searching on line has given me hundreds of examples of this exception, but they have all been simply typos or they used another of...
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    Please help with a Regex Pattern

    I am not getting this right. I want the values from the following strings; StdDev_1: 7.10012290660172E-02 StdDev_2: 0.127890201279279 First value in Group 1 should be 7.10012290660172 and in Group 3 I get 2. Match 1 = 7.10012290660172E-02 Group 1 = 7.10012290660172 Group 2 = E-0 Group 3 = 2...
  3. S

    Help identify the failure to update the property

    I added a UI control to display the status (saved or not) of a couple of objects. I used a dictionary so I could have the object name and its status. When the program starts it loads the dictionary and sets the status to "***." Whenever a watched property changes the program saves the instrument...
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    XAML does not have a DataContext

    I am being told by the error list that MainWindowView does not have a data context. And another error saying it does not have a Show method. It has in the past and I am stumped on how to locate the real issue. protected override async void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) {...
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    Trying Dependency Injection Without Success

    Second attempt! I am trying to inject a logger into my MainWindowViewModel. /// <summary> /// Entry point for application. /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> protected override async void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { await...
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    After Forced Update Services Are Gone

    I opened a legacy VB program in Visual Studio that I have been maintaining for years. I was hit with a dialog box that said .Net 4.2 was no longer supported and I had to upgrade to 4.7. No way to just say no or postpone. Either accept or exit. I had to work on it so I accepted. After clearing...
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    Resolved Help make this converter work, please.

    I have never used a converter until I tried today and I didn't get it right. public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { StopBits sb = (StopBits)value; string stops = string.Empty...
  8. S

    Responding to context menu.

    I have a context menu in a view that calls the correct handler, but the command parameter is not being passed. <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Left" Margin="0,3,1,0" VerticalAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu>...
  9. S

    Click Once without certificate

    Is there a way to bypass the signed certificate requirement for click once? I tried to publish without a certificate after I published and signed it myself. Now I get an error that my certificate cannot be found in my certificate store. I can't even find my certificate store. Documentation on...
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    Cannot Add Reference To XUnit Test Project

    When I add a reference to my Unit Test Project that is referencing my project to be tested, I get errors. I get the little Triangle with the exclamation point in the Solution Explorer and the red squiggly line under any reference to that project in the test code. The path to the project is...
  11. S

    Regex Pattern Help

    Text = ";SomeTrash (um);SomeTrash Too (N);SomeTrash Again (mm);SomeTrash Too (J);SomeTrash Too (J/cm^3)" Pattern I have tried = (?<=\()(\w*\/?\w*\^\d*)(?=\)) This is getting the last unit, J/cm^3, only. This pattern, (?<=\()(\w*\/?\w*)(?=\)), gets all but the last unit. How do I combine...
  12. S

    How to execute a method from Application.Shutdown

    I want to run a method in the MainWindowViewModel (I want to make sure some Com Ports are closed before the app closes). In the App.XAML I added Exit = "ExitEventHandler." I want the MainWindowViewModel to watch for this event and run the method to close the ports. I am not getting the setup...
  13. S

    Binding a Button in WPF MVVM

    I want to add a button to a row in a ListView. The row is simply several <TextBlocks> as defined in a <DataTemplate> in a <ResouceDictionary>. The command is in the ViewModel. I am missing a "connection" to the command in the ViewModel. If I add the button right to the View I can easily bind it...
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    Resolved Migrating to .Net Standard 2.1

    I have migrated a .Net 4.5 to .Net Standard 2.1 and I am now working through errors. I am missing some references or Nuget packages. But I cannot find them. For example (and there are several), The App.g.cs file that is automatically created by VS has several references that say "The type or...
  15. S

    Question A regular expression to get decimal and integers?

    I have this expression that works well. (?<=\=)(\s?\#?[+|-]\d*.\d*) But I also want it to catch "#0001". I can't get the syntax to ignore the decimal and the digits after it so it will return an integer value. Thanks
  16. S

    Binding to a RichTextbox

    There are a few examples of binding to a RichTextbox on the internet. I searched all over and it comes down to two or three examples. I chose one of the examples to work with as there were a number of people that claimed success and it did not require installing new tools (which, for security...
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