
  1. RAFOO

    Visual Studio 2022 Android instead of an APK creates an APKS?

    I have been developing Android APPs with Visual Studio 2022 (Xamarin / C##), with some minor problems, but with success. Now I am stuck, I have started mu 6th app and everything went smoothly, except when deploying the App, Visual Studio instead of creating the usual APk, creates an APKS (yes...
  2. RAFOO

    I can't deploy an Android App on visual studio 2022

    I tried to Deploy a simple Android with WebView2, with no success. On the output windows I have the following text, can you help please? :Build started at 14:16... 1>------ Build started: Project: App3-Webview, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------ Restored...
  3. devteam

    FREE notification to mobile - new user signed up, error occurred in ur website, etc.

    Do you like to receive FREE notifications to your mobile, when new user signed up, error occurred, anyone filled contact us form, etc.? You do not need to build new app. You can just call API and you will get the notification. You can find more about us at Thanks...
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