Visual Studio 2022 Android instead of an APK creates an APKS?


New member
May 18, 2024
Programming Experience
I have been developing Android APPs with Visual Studio 2022 (Xamarin / C##), with some minor problems, but with success.

Now I am stuck, I have started mu 6th app and everything went smoothly, except when deploying the App, Visual Studio instead of creating the usual APk, creates an APKS (yes with an "S" at end).

This is the path on explorer: "C:\Users\ProBook\source\repos\xyzinvest\obj\Release\130\android\bin\com.companyname.xyzinvest.apks" ("s" at end)

Any possible Help?

Tnx in advancement
What is the difference between your 5th app and this 6th app? Did you turn on a switch somewhere for this new project that you did not do on the previous 5 projects?
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