c sharp#

  1. complete

    I am having an issue with GMAIL SMTP in a C# program

    I want to use C# do to a necessary mass emailing of hundreds of receiving email addresses. I have a gmail account and I believe my message will be better received if it comes from my personal gmail account instead of from one of my website's email accounts. But if I do not resolve this issue, I...
  2. Mythodikal

    load 1 million files into listbox from main drive or external harddrive

    Is there a quick way to load over 1 million files from my main drive on my laptop or pc into a listbox besides using simple recursion techniques? I was hoping that there was a better way than using an array and backgroundworker to do so.
  3. Samuel David

    Unable to Create Hyperlink in Cell Text

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to embed hyperlink in worksheet cell text. But below block of code doesn't work for me. I am using telerik library here. What's wrong in below code? using(var rowExporter = sheetExporter.CreateRowExporter()) { String policy = “<a...
  4. Tom Peric

    Question Need Secured RESTApi Reference Project

    Hello Everyone, Can someone please suggest me sample reference project(Articles, Github, etc) of RESTApi with secured authentication & authorization for my future development project from scratch. My upcoming project(RESTApi) need to handle huge volume of records(need to maintain security...
  5. T

    Need help with some C# code

    I want to make a c# application that for example pings a server. I have a list of 200+ servers. 10 servers I want to ping every 5 seconds, 50 servers I want to ping every 30seconds and the remaining every 1 minute. All data will be stored in a database. How would I go about in seperating these...
  6. D

    How to get parameters of a selected Category

    Hi. Working with Revit API. Selected category is in the variable called "category". How to make a list of parameters that belong to that category and put it inside of a new ComboBox? Assuming that I am going to need to continue inside of the Class.cs file. Should I create a list of all elements...
  7. E

    Question windows events

    what is the difference between enter event and mouseenter event
  8. R

    Question retrieving information from sqlite database

    Hi i have a basic application that is used to display customer information from a sql database, i am using a datagridview to display the information, i also have a form that has texboxdes on it to enter customer information for adding to that database which currently works. what i need to do now...
  9. D

    Stock Map

    Hi guys, I am creating a system in the C # language, via Visual Studio with Windows Forms. And he will have to make an appointment to return the streets registered on a basis. The query will return, the quantity of products on the street, the street name, longitude and latitude of the street...
  10. H

    Answered How to colour a textbox which contain the maximum value of a two-dimensional array?

    I have a two-dimensional array of random integers that are in an array of textboxes. I found the maximum and brought it to Label1. Everything works. But I still need to colour the textbox in which this maximum is located. I had versions, but unsuccessful. Please help, who knows where the error...
  11. R

    Question number in error log

    Personal, I would like the following information, I have a validation, and in this validation I send a message in the application to the user that the cell G of the line should be filled, my code looks like this: private void PreliminaryVerification(IEnumerable<DataRow> data) {...
  12. N

    Complex C# code

    Not so long ago I moved to the Faculty of Computer Science, lagging behind the classmates and I find it difficult to write this code. If you can help at least partly, I will be very grateful. Here is the task:
  13. A

    Question Remove check box column from datagridview when clear datagridview

    i have created datagridview dynamically with check box column,once i refresh my datagrid its removes all data except checkbox column,below code for adding checkbox column in datagrid DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn chk = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn(); dataGridView1.Columns.Add(chk)...
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