click event

  1. ceobros

    Question Change keybind hotkeys

    Hi, I am using the HotkeyListener Nuget package and I am trying to update a hotkey. I have a label that displays what hotkey is being used which is F7, I added a click function to change the text. private void OnrecordPOSClick(object sender, EventArgs e) => recordPOS.Text...
  2. G

    mouse hover, mouse leave verses touch start, touch end, click, double click

    I have a Windows Form project in C#, for example I have events like mouse hover over picture box and mouse leave from a picture box. My question is in a case of using a tablet or a phone or touch screen monitor and no mouse is present, I would like to have an option of touch start (similar to...
  3. WiiLF

    Question Subscribe and Catch child control click event

    Hey Community! Happy to be here. I have a form that contains a custom list control. In this list control, is a flexlayout control called flpListBox with rows of results. I am having problems catching the click event of each item. I can MessageBox the sender object key (the song name in this...
  4. flashkid10

    Listview SubItem ClickEvent

    I'm current creating an app (POC) that list events, and it is going to have a weekly view (Sun-Sat). when you click on a cell it will do something; I want to send a number at a method called "ShowDetails(int x), how would I tag a number onto a subitem and have it send it when the subitem is...
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