
  1. ahmedaziz

    Question How to make alignment for label text on left AND right to have same alignment?

    I work on template using html and CSS . I face issue I can't do alignment label text on left and right to be same . as example submit Date and Employee id not start from same point on left so I need all text on left have same alignment . also on right also text not start from same point as...
  2. R

    Question How to position 2 divs side by side

    Hello, In my application, I am printing a razor page and I want to display 2 divs side by side. (Contact and Delivery Information) I want the grid to start from the left and closer to the others. Here is my sample razor: @page "/dialogcard/{Order}" @using IMS.CoreBusiness @using...
  3. P

    How to make Intellisense Quick Info for JavaScript and CSS files to appear in Visual Studio 2017?

    In Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017, when I edit a JavaScript or CSS file, the Intellisense Quick Info for Members, Objects and other keywords don't appear. However, when I open the same files in Visual Studio Code 1.66.0, Intellisense Quick Info is shown properly. This results in me...
  4. T

    Question GUI Toolkit, Html/CSS for GUI

    Hello. I am making a game client software and I'm currently researching which GUI toolkit I should use. I want my software to work on different operating systems ( Windows, Linux, OSX ). I figured that it's best to have the software look native on each os, so the look is slightly different on...
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