
  1. L

    Recursive method not restarting

    I'm not understanding why and I don't find any resources explaining clearly where the issue should be, when I try to recall a method (not a function). I'm asking for specific help or code, not some general conceptual advice, I would need some actual help to understand how to achieve what I need...
  2. PJ33

    How to use documentation of library/fo-dicom

    Hello I am new in C# and reading the documentation seems difficult. I am trying to use fo-dicom library and I am experimenting now. For example given the below lik I try to implement the code What I did is adding: using...
  3. X

    Resolved OOP project help and info needed

    Hello I got an mock exam to practice, my real exam is in two weeks. I'm studying to become a teacher (this is an extra class I took) but with corona I had so many things to do including internship, etc. So I really I did not have a lot of time to practice C sharp. I only understand the basics...
  4. rei

    Code not working.

    using System; namespace C_Sharp_Practice { class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { string[] FavoriteFoods = new string[5]; FavoriteFoods[0] = "Apples"; FavoriteFoods[1] = "Carrots"; FavoriteFoods[2] = "Steak"; FavoriteFoods[3] = "Pizza"...
  5. J

    int method to return string?

    I apologize that this a simple question, but the solution escapes me. I'm passing an int to a method but want to return a string. public static int Example(int x ) { string myString = ""; if(x < 10) { myString = "less...
  6. D

    Calling methods on one form from another

    Hi All. I have a program which when a button is clicked on Form1 it runs a vision system operation on an image in a window on a Form1. There are also other buttons on the Form1 which can change things like threshold levels so the inspection can be run again with different settings. It all works...
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