while loop

  1. C

    Printing values of an array using "while"

    Hello. I am a beginner in programming and I was doing some exercises my teachers assigned and run into some problems. The exercise says that I have to print in the unity console the values of an array if when they're divided by 2 the remainder is 0. But I have to use "While" and I only know how...
  2. justindoh

    Need some help with Iteration

    Sorry, I am not good at C#.. I am trying to write Looping for the result of data collected from each API call. Because it is API, it has certain limitation ("PageSize") to collect data each time. Currently, it has "PageSize" of 2000, and it increments by that value (2000). "Offset" points...
  3. MrDevo

    Guess the number

    Hi. I am pretty new to C# and trying to get this game to work. I got a textbox where I type the number that I have in mind and the computer must guess it using bisection algorithm but I don't understand why the loop won't work since the condition is true. Here's my code. The biggeest and the...
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