
  1. P

    Resolved How to connect with my SQL-Database from Website Control Pannel?

    Hi I am using Windows applications. For local network, my application works fine. But my company they designed a static website and hence they request me to keep their database with website. Once I login to my website - DirectAdmin, from Databases, I create my SQL Database. By I don't know how...
  2. P

    How to have a connection String? - Not A Valid File Name

    My company have static IP- configured via router and can be accessed from internet like File Explorer - Network - Then the address bar I use to give like the below For the above address, how to give a connection string, any kind help will be very much...
  3. Babader7

    Question Why I can't set value true to a datagridview checkbox

    Hello, I am a beginner in programming, and I am facing a problem. When loading data from a DataTable to a DataGridView, there is a column in the Data grid view called "status." I want to check if it is "completed." If so, I need to set the checkbox value to true. I used this code foreach...
  4. H

    Create Transparent richtextbox C# Windows Forms

    using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; //---------------- Hello It's Me Amro Omran ---------------- \\ //---------------- ---------------- \\ //---------------- Visit My Youtube Channel...
  5. H

    Draw Both Arabic And English Words Char By Char?

    I'm trying to draw the same text from textBox to Panel char By Char For both Arabic & English with the same char size and position also style and color my code works perfectly if the text is English language but for Arabic its printing separated chars . I Know if i use DrawString , DrawTextBox...
  6. H

    Tip How To Create Transparent TextBox With Image and Changed Highlight Color Using C# Windows Forms Dot Net 4.8.1

    Youtube Link Full Source Code In The Video Download The Full Source Code From GumRoad WebSite Or Full Source Code In The Video Please Like And Subscribe For Further Questions Please Leave Your Comment Download Link *** SEO FEEDING TERMS/PHRASES...
  7. Programmable Physics

    A custom tool(circle button) that is created by a class does not appear in toolbox after rebuild (VS 2022)

    I was trying to create a round button. For this, we need to create a class, here is the code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; namespace CircularButton...
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