I have a simple simulator - it starts a Filesystem watcher and watch one directory for new files. The file comes and when it has the right name, watcher runs function. This function is loop Do-While and it generates files for other program (the one that create the first file...). Now, everything is fine - file comes, watcher runs function and it generates file for each 5 seconds. OK.
Now I need either another watcher to watch over another file in the same directory or I need to start the function for file generation but outside of the watcher to make the watcher free to watch again the directory over.
How can it be done?
When I choose 2 watchers - they will collide, when the file is created in watched folder.
I have a simple simulator - it starts a Filesystem watcher and watch one directory for new files. The file comes and when it has the right name, watcher runs function. This function is loop Do-While and it generates files for other program (the one that create the first file...). Now, everything is fine - file comes, watcher runs function and it generates file for each 5 seconds. OK.
Now I need either another watcher to watch over another file in the same directory or I need to start the function for file generation but outside of the watcher to make the watcher free to watch again the directory over.
How can it be done?
When I choose 2 watchers - they will collide, when the file is created in watched folder.
public void FileWatcher() // watches BaseDir = folder s programem *.exe
WatcherON = true;
if (File.Exists("Status.JOB")) { File.Delete("Status.JOB"); }
if (File.Exists("Cykly.JOB")) { File.Delete("Cykly.JOB"); }
Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
Watcher.Path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
Watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
Watcher.Filter = "*.JOB";
Watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(FChange);
Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public void FChange(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
string strFile = e.Name;
if (strFile == "Cykly.JOB" && LBINFO.Text == "AUTOMAT")
if (File.Exists("Cykly.JOB")) { File.Delete("Cykly.JOB"); }
if (File.Exists("Cykly.dat")) { File.Delete("Cykly.dat"); }
if (File.Exists("Cykly.dat")) { File.Delete("Cykly.dat"); }
using (StreamWriter PDVF = File.CreateText("Cykly.dat"))
Random Rand = new Random();
PDVF.WriteLine(Rand.Next(0, 100000));
while (generate);
using (FileStream PDVF = File.OpenRead("Cykly.dat"))
catch { }
if (strFile == "Status.JOB")
using (StreamWriter PDVF = File.CreateText("Status.dat"))
if (LBINFO.Text =="AUTOMAT") PDVF.WriteLine("0A");
if (LBINFO.Text == "RUCNI") PDVF.WriteLine("0M");
if (LBINFO.Text == "SERIZOVANI") PDVF.WriteLine("0U");