All possible permutations and related data OR other solutions


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2020
Programming Experience
I would make a program to calculate a sequence, taken from a game i played.
Basically you have a sequence of numbers, it is like a clock really, meaning they're disposed in a circle. These numbers are 1 digits only, from 1 to a max of 6, but there can be duplicates of numbers along the circle, meaning the sequence can be for example 2, 2, 3, 2, 2 (starting from top/north position and following the circumference clockwise).
The purpose of this kind of game is "selecting" ALL the numbers in the sequence but selecting them all just ONCE. You can choose where to start from. When you select a number, you can choose next only the two other numbers distancing by the number you selected. By two numbers I mean you can choose distancing forward or backwards. For examples, you select a 3, you can next select only the two numbers which have a distance of 3 from the 3. So, in the example case, the selectable values would both be 2, but in different positions. If per chance one of the two positions is unselectable, since you already selected it earlier, you cannot select it again, you can only select the others. If both are unavailable, you lose (as you indeed failed to create a sequence of selecting all numbers not selecting the same multiple times).
In the example case that I could sample like this:
the solution could be this (there is more than one solution in this example but this is one possible solution)
2 1st select
2 4th select
3 2nd select
2 5th select
2 3rd select
As you see, after the 3 you move backwards and so you choose the last in the list as 3rd selection. Then you move forward again restarting from the top of the list.
So, my goal would be to create a program which calculates a possible solution for this game, given a starting sequence of values. Only, the list of values can be up to 13 values. I thought also about calculating permutations but it would be 13 factorial... Once the solution is found, i need to write (messagebox, textbox, label, whatever you want) the sequence of the numbers selected and the positions in the original list (as there can be duplicate values so I need to know exactly what position that number is). How would you advice to handle this thing?
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What's wrong with just a basic depth first tree search?
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lol at first you made it sound like it should be obvious! So, I tried reading. The general concept on wikipedia i kinda get. Only I don't understand properly the code and how to apply it, even more because my case is some sort of ring/circle structure and not a tree graph, so I don't really understand how to apply this difference too. In the second one there is not even a line of code so I found it more of a conceptual explanation. The third link actually shows more comprehensible code, kinda, and the recursive code seems more useful than the iterative, only i don't know Python and

def dfs_recursive(graph, node, visited):
    if node not in visited:
        for neighbor in graph[node]:
            dfs_recursive(graph, neighbor, visited)

# Example usage
graph = {
    'A': ['B', 'C'],
    'B': ['D', 'E'],
    'C': ['F'],
    'D': [],
    'E': ['F'],
    'F': []

visited = set()
dfs_recursive(graph, 'A', visited)

Is set() supposed to be like an Array or List? Also, in the case of this code example each node in graph has assigned related data (like, A -> B, C). For the purpose of my program, I suppose these 2 should be the numbers you can select next, when you select a number? I have this doubt just because I see in this example D and F have no related nodes.
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Also, I tried to assume it's like that and i tried it in C# but it doesn't actually work. Meaning, there's an issue. What my program should do is "if you can't progress any further, restart and try a different path" but what it does instead is "if you can't progress, go backwards to unexplored other branches and write down those remaining as well". I tried to check the iterative method but actually since I don't know Python and I see there are no variables types I have a doubt.

stack : [start]

This calls the parameter..... but what is [start] supposed to be? In theory, it is a string but maybe it is handling it as a string array...? I don't understand... So, briefly, to at least understand what this code actually does, it would be nice to have it translated to C#...
You have a fun little problem, and I'm trying not to just spoonfeed you the answer because you seem to enjoy learning, and I don't want to deprive you of the joy of that "A-ha!" moment.

Perhaps this might help a bit more since it a little more visual. Sorry, it's Python again, but the concepts should be a lot clearer.

As for the circular array that you have: the modulus operator % is your friend. Let's you you have an array of length 5, and you are currentyl at index 4:
2 2 3 2 2 -- value
0 1 2 3 4 -- index

So given the value of 2 in your array, you are can go back 2 or advance by 2. To handle the advance case, if you add do (4 + 2) % 5, you get the result of 1:
2 2 3 2 2 -- value
0 1 2 3 4 -- index

(Alas, the C# modulus operator trick won't work on the go back case. For that you'll need to do bounds check.)
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Well actually my priority would be a working code, making my own idea is not a priority, I can just be fine with a working code and understanding how it works by just reading it. I mean, I want to do this thing but it doesn't have to be "my conceptual idea that I made up by my notions", it can be just something someone else did and I just use for my personal use, understanding and learning are not the priority to me. The priority is to realize something that works and doesn't take a day to understand the code lol I'll try later to read that page though and see what's there! For now I realized a first step. Meaning, when I solve these puzzles I go with trial and error but first I found out a useful method. By knowing how many points can lead to a specific point, I can cut down some waste of time. For example, if one point is unreachable from any other point of the ring, it means that one is the starting point. If one is reachable from only 1 point, it is most probably a connection you're going to do somewhere half way. Not always though, for example I had one with 12 points. 2 of these were reachable by only 1 point and it was the same one. Fact was one of the 2 was the starting point, the other instead was reached during the sequence. So, I made a function to calculate from how many points every point in the ring is reachable. That can give me a lead on which one/s can be the starting point or where there are forced selections.
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Before wasting 20 minutes with a video, I must say/ask this..... I don't think a morse translator has much to do with my purpose...? Or at least I don't see how they can be completely related. Morse is more defining/searching which letter/symbol corresponds. My case could relate to morse in two ways: one is we already know a letter and so we must search for the path leading to that letter but that has little to do with what I need to do, the other way is we already know which number we want to reach and we search for the number leading to that one, but that's not my problem at all, since I don't need to reach a number, I need to define a sequence leading to ALL numbers. In a morse perspective, we can sample this as: we know there's a phrase made of a defined number of letters, we have to reach all those letters to form a consistent phrase and not just random nonsense text. That's quite a different matter than a morse translator.
Also, I asked something in the previous comment. I don't understand if you didn't reply because you don't know Python or because you forgot...
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My thought behind linking to the Morse encoder is that you could see how as you go down the tree trying to find the matching letter, and keeping track of what the dots and dashes would end up being to encode that particular letter. You seemed to doubt that it was possible. That was to show that it can be done. Similarly, in your trying to keep track of whether you decided to go left or go right after selecting a particular number, it can also be done.

I didn't answer the Python question regarding [start] because I didn't understand the context of the question, and I was on my phone where doing any jumping pages is hard. Looking at the code in the original link now, that looks to be creating a list with the value of start as the only element. So in the case when the iterative version is called initially, the letter 'A' is put into stack.

In the back of my mind, I think there is a way to come to a solution for the puzzle using dynamic programming, but I suck at using that approach for problem solving. I think you have the initial seeds for such a solution with your functions for determining the critical points within the puzzle.

The use of the tree search is more of a brute force approach and something I'm more familiar with because when I started off teaching myself to program, I'd inadvertently discovered the approach on my own while trying to figure out how to solve some maze like puzzles. It was only when I later went to college that I learned the names of the things that I was doing. (I grew up in third world country before the Internet, and getting books and magazines was tough.)

I'm currently trying to figure out a way to give you some working code without actually doing the code for you. The prime rule we have in this forum is that we won't do your work for you. We can guide you along though if you present your code and ask specific questions.

In my mind, it's a simple outer loop that tries each of the possible starting indexes. Within the loop, it does a tree search starting at that index to see if a solution can be reached, and if so, return the path taken. If on return from the recursive search returns a path, then add it to the list of possible solutions. I think the best I can give you is pseudo code.
This was a fun one:
5 4 2 6 4 4 5 1 4 3 2 5 5
(0, 2)=>(2, 4)=>(-4, 0)=>(5, 5)=>(-4, 1)=>(-4, 10)=>(-2, 8)=>(4, 12)=>(-5, 7)=>(-1, 6)=>(5, 11)=>(5, 3)=>(6, 9)

The tuple listed are (direction and array index). The first tuple has direction of 0 because that's the one chosen by the outer loop and it picked index 2. From index 2, it next chose to go +2 to got to index 4. From index 4, it decided to go left -4 to go to index 0. ...

The code was very fast in finding the solutions. I don't think there is any need for the optimization of doing dynamic programming.

Another nice one that has only 1 entry point, but 2 exit points:
4 6 5 6 2 4 5 1 3 4 1 5 2
(0, 12)=>(2, 1)=>(-6, 8)=>(-3, 5)=>(4, 9)=>(4, 0)=>(4, 4)=>(-2, 2)=>(5, 7)=>(-1, 6)=>(5, 11)=>(5, 3)=>(-6, 10)
(0, 12)=>(-2, 10)=>(1, 11)=>(5, 3)=>(6, 9)=>(4, 0)=>(4, 4)=>(-2, 2)=>(5, 7)=>(-1, 6)=>(-5, 1)=>(-6, 8)=>(-3, 5)
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In the end actually I asked also chatgpt for solutions, it came up with some code with a backtracking method, it had a minor issue but I solved it and it seems to work! But definitely it was slightly too much for me to come up with!
My attempts:

Current version where I'm trying to use immutable data structures:
namespace NumberMaze
    static class NumberMaze
        public record struct Move(int Direction, int Index)
            public override readonly string ToString() => $"({Direction:+#;-#;0}, {Index,2})";

        readonly record struct Board
            readonly int [] _numbers;
            readonly List<Move> _moves;

            public readonly IReadOnlyList<Move> Path => _moves;

            public readonly int Index      => _moves[^1].Index;
            public readonly int LeftIndex  => (Index - Value + _numbers.Length) % _numbers.Length;
            public readonly int RightIndex => (Index + Value                  ) % _numbers.Length;

            public readonly int this[int index] => _numbers[index];
            public readonly bool IsSolved       => _numbers.Count(n => n != 0) == 1 && _numbers[Index] != 0;
            public readonly int  Length         => _numbers.Length;
            public readonly int  Value          => _numbers[Index];
            public readonly bool CanMoveLeft    => _numbers[LeftIndex]  != 0;
            public readonly bool CanMoveRight   => _numbers[RightIndex] != 0;

            public Board(IEnumerable<int> numbers)
                _numbers = numbers.ToArray();
                _moves = [];

            Board(Board board)
                _numbers = [.. board._numbers];
                _moves = new List<Move>(board._moves);

            public readonly Board Start(int index)
                if (_moves.Count > 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("You can't restart.");

                var board = new Board(this);
                board._moves.Add(new Move(0, index));
                return board;

            public readonly Board MoveLeft()  => Move(new Move(-Value, LeftIndex));
            public readonly Board MoveRight() => Move(new Move(+Value, RightIndex));

            readonly Board Move(Move move)
                if (_numbers[move.Index] == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("You can't move there.");

                var board = new Board(this);
                board._numbers[Index] = 0;
                return board;

        public static List<IEnumerable<Move>> Solve(IEnumerable<int> numbersIn)
            var board = new Board(numbersIn.ToArray());
            var solutions = new List<IEnumerable<Move>>();
            for (int index = 0; index < board.Length; index++)
            return solutions;

            void SolvePuzzle(Board board)
                    solutions.Add(new List<Move>(board.Path));
                    if (board.CanMoveRight)
                    if (board.CanMoveLeft)

    class Program
        static void Main()
            var random = new Random();
            while (true)
                var puzzle = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 13)
                                       .Select(_ => random.Next(1, 7))
                // var puzzle = new int [] { 2, 2, 3, 2, 2 };
                // Nice: 5 4 2 6 4 4 5 1 4 3 2 5 5
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", puzzle));

                var solutions = NumberMaze.Solve(puzzle).ToList();
                foreach (var solution in solutions)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Join("=>", solution));

                if (solutions.Count > 0)

And my original quick and dirty attempt:
using System.Collections;

namespace NumberMaze
    static class NumberMaze
        public record struct Move(int Direction, int Index)
            public override readonly string ToString() => $"({Direction:+#;-#;0}, {Index,2})";

        public class Path : IReadOnlyList<Move>
            readonly List<Move> _moves;

            public int Count => _moves.Count;

            public Move this[int index] => _moves[index];

            public Path() => _moves = [];

            public Path(IEnumerable<Move> moves) => _moves = new(moves);

            public void Append(Move move) => _moves.Add(move);

            public void RemoveLast() => _moves.RemoveAt(_moves.Count - 1);

            public IEnumerator<Move> GetEnumerator() => _moves.GetEnumerator();

            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();

        public static List<Path> Solve(IEnumerable<int> numbersIn)
            var numbers = numbersIn.ToArray();
            var path = new Path();
            var solutions = new List<Path>();
            for (int index = 0; index < numbers.Length; index++)
                SolvePuzzle(new Move(0, index), numbers.Length);
            return solutions;

            void SolvePuzzle(Move move, int depth)
                int index = move.Index;
                var value = numbers[index];
                if (value == 0)

                numbers[index] = 0;

                if (depth == 0)
                    if(numbers.All(n => n == 0))
                        solutions.Add(new Path(path));
                    int leftIndex = (index - value + numbers.Length) % numbers.Length;
                    int rightIndex = (index + value) % numbers.Length;
                    SolvePuzzle(new Move(+value, rightIndex), depth);
                    SolvePuzzle(new Move(-value, leftIndex), depth);

                numbers[index] = value;

    class Program
        static void Main()
            var random = new Random();
            while (true)
                var puzzle = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 13)
                                       .Select(_ => random.Next(1, 7))
                // var puzzle = new int [] { 2, 2, 3, 2, 2 };
                // Nice: 5 4 2 6 4 4 5 1 4 3 2 5 5
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", puzzle));

                var solutions = NumberMaze.Solve(puzzle).ToList();
                foreach (var solution in solutions)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Join("=>", solution));

                if (solutions.Count > 0)
Yes they both work. The quick and dirty code is what generated the output for post #11, except for the extra output enhancement I added in the ToString() for more consistent spacing and showing of +/- signs.

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