Any NET C# Opensource libraries for exporting to excel including customization like color,font,colspan etc..?


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Jul 11, 2023
Programming Experience
I'm using C# .NET MVC application. I have a requirement of generating excel reports(.xlsx) with multiple worksheets and cell customizations like font, color etc... I tried and couldn't find any opensource library that could do this. I don't want Excel Interop library as excel application installation is required at the server. We tried Fast Excel and Excel Library but due to lack of documentation and references online we are not able to find any code of how to customize cell color/font/width etc.. There are lot of good commercially available ones. But are there any good opensource libraries that can be used.
Has NPOI gotten better? When I last looked at it about 10 years ago, it looked like just a straight port of a Java project -- including naming conventions and philosophy of how objects are handled. Has it gone truly .NET Framework native or is it still a port?
Has NPOI gotten better? When I last looked at it about 10 years ago, it looked like just a straight port of a Java project -- including naming conventions and philosophy of how objects are handled. Has it gone truly .NET Framework native or is it still a port?

I dunno how it was 10 years ago. Currently, I use it very often.

It does nearly everything, I need in a way I'd assume, including

Cell styles
different number formats
A row/column number combination instead of cell references (which is able to do as well)
Sheet protection
Adjusting column width
Reading and writing in current and XL97 format

The only 'strange' thing, what's to be learned is that a row and a cell in a new sheet has first to be created to be used. ClosedXML seems to work in another way.

Overall, after testing a while, I'm very satisfied.
Actually, it is a port of POI but it seems to become more and more independent. Naming, for me, looks like .NET naming.

IWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();

It's worth to give it a 2nd chance.
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