calling a Lotus Notes c++ API LNSmartPtr base class


New member
Sep 4, 2014
Programming Experience
Hi I am having an access violation calling one of the functions =>LNDatabase
Below is my code:
LNDatabase LND = new LNDatabase();
public IntPtr m_pNativeObject;  // Variable to hold the C++ class's this pointer                
public LNDatabase()
            LNSmartPtr LNS = new LNSmartPtr(); //Call 1st the base class
            // We have to Create an instance of this class through an exported function
            //this.m_pNativeObject = nnotesDLL.LNDatabase(m_pNativeSmartLNSmartPtrObject);
            this.m_pNativeObject = IntPtr.Zero;
// ....
public class LNSmartPtr
        public IntPtr m_pNativeObject;  // Variable to hold the C++ class's this pointer
        public LNSmartPtr()
            // We have to Create an instance of this class through an exported function
            this.m_pNativeObject = nnotesDLL.LNSmartPtr();

[DllImport("lcppn803.DLL", EntryPoint = "??_7LNSmartPtr@@6B@", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public unsafe static extern IntPtr LNSmartPtr();

==== DumpBin Yields the following different functions - LNCPP80.DLL
??_7LNSmartPtr@@6B@ ===> This is the correct one to call

================================ Lotus Notes C++ API ToolKit has the following for LNDatabase ==>lndb.hpp
//  Class definition for LNDatabase.
class LNIMPEXPCL LNDatabase : public LNSmartPtr
friend class LNCalendar;
friend class LNCalendarEntryArray;
friend class LNNote;
friend class LNNoteArray;
friend class LNNotesSession;
  LNDatabase() : LNSmartPtr() {}
  LNDatabase( const LNDatabase &other ) : LNSmartPtr(other) {}
  ~LNDatabase() {}
  LNDatabase & operator=( const LNDatabase &other );
================================ Lotus Notes C++ API ToolKit has the following for LNSmartPtr ==>lndb.hpp
/  Description:
//  LNSmartPtr is the base class for all smart pointer classes. Note that the
//  copy constructor and assignment operator in each derived class must invoke
//  the base class versions. Note also that LNSmartPtr does not inherit from
//  LNNotesClass, to keep it as small as possible.
  LNSmartPtr() { Body = 0; }
  LNSmartPtr( LNBody *body );
  LNSmartPtr( const LNSmartPtr &ptr );
  ~LNSmartPtr() { DeleteBody(); }
  LNSmartPtr & operator=( const LNSmartPtr &ptr );
  LNSmartPtr & operator=( LNBody *body );
  virtual LNBOOL DeleteBody();
  virtual LNCLASSID GetClassID() const = 0;
  virtual const char * GetClassName() const
    { return LNGetClassName(GetClassID(), TRUE); }
    { return LNGetClassName(GetClassID(), FALSE); }
  virtual LNNotesSession * GetSession() const
    if (Body)
      return ((LNNotesClass *) Body)->GetSession();
    return 0;
  //  { return (Body ? ((LNNotesClass *) Body)->GetSession() : 0); }
  virtual LNBOOL IsNull() const { return Body == 0; }
  LNBody *Body;
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