can c# control other window desktop application ?


New member
Nov 26, 2022
Programming Experience
I found a one video. in this,one can control other desktop application by c# window form application to change other desktop application text and content.
other desktop application has login credentials to enter in it.
c# window form also make login form and login with same credentials but not same user interface and change other desktop app text and contents from c# app.
can it be possible.
if so, what function need to study in c#.
You're asking us whether what you saw in the video is possible? Wouldn't the fact that it was demonstrated in the video answer that question for you? What have you searched for and what do you not understand about the information you found?
You're asking us whether what you saw in the video is possible? Wouldn't the fact that it was demonstrated in the video answer that question for you? What have you searched for and what do you not understand about the information you found?
if it possible by c# .what function should learn in c# window form to control window app.
have a desktop application and i can login it by credentials. I also want to log in it from another c# window form by same credentials and want to change some text values in it.

What part of c# I need to learn to achieve this.

Please guide me

Nothing in C#. All of what you need to learn is in the Win32 API. C# is just a programming language. What you need to learn is how the operating system works.
You already have a thread about this. Merging threads.
You'd be well served by googling about Windows UI Automation C#

At its simplest you can send keystrokes to another application as if the user is typing on the keyboard


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