compilation name


New member
Dec 21, 2024
Programming Experience
Hello, I have to work on a my old projecs to add an installation file. In the compile box (as show)
Screenshot 2024-12-21 220932.png

I have the name 'Avvia' instead of the project name 'FotoCopia'. I have no memory and no idea because it happened.
But the setup project not work.
In a new test project, where the compilation name is the projecy name, setup project work perfect.
Anyone can help me?
P.S. I now my english is terrible.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean. Are you talking about the text next to the green arrow? If so, that says "Start" in my VS, which is set to English. I just checked and "Avvia" is Italian for "Start", so it's working the same for you as it is for me and for everyone else. I'm not sure what your actual problem is but maybe you don't have the correct project selected as the Startup project for the solution.
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