CS8034 Unable to load Analyzer assembly

Aug 14, 2021
Programming Experience
Hello.I'm trying to download these Packages from this video timeframe in video 1:06:29 and only 1/4 installs succesfully,others fail.Tried seeing the problem in Github,but had no idea what people are talking about.Maybe someone could help?
Are you trying to upgrade that package from version 3.1.16 to 5.0.9? If so then take a look at the error message. It specifically states that that version is not compatible with your project. Not surprisingly, version 3.1.16 is for .NET Core 3.1 and version 5.0.9 is for .NET 5.0. Did you pay attention to the dependencies section on the right of the package manager window? That should tell you what's supported and certainly will for first-party packages.
By the way, the fact that you have four notifications in VS is making the corner of my eye twitch. You probably have a VS upgrade waiting and more besides. As software developers, we have a responsibility to upgrade our software at the earliest opportunity and, more than that, to want to do so. ?
By the way, the fact that you have four notifications in VS is making the corner of my eye twitch. You probably have a VS upgrade waiting and more besides. As software developers, we have a responsibility to upgrade our software at the earliest opportunity and, more than that, to want to do so. ?
Are you trying to upgrade that package from version 3.1.16 to 5.0.9? If so then take a look at the error message. It specifically states that that version is not compatible with your project. Not surprisingly, version 3.1.16 is for .NET Core 3.1 and version 5.0.9 is for .NET 5.0. Did you pay attention to the dependencies section on the right of the package manager window? That should tell you what's supported and certainly will for first-party packages.
Is it possible to have a net5.0 version with 3.1 versions packages? So I should simply create an entirely new project or uninstall those 5.0 versions? Thank you for your reply
Install the version of the package that has been created to support the .NET version that your project targets. If your project targets .NET Core 3.1 then install the package that supports .NET Core 3.1. Why would you think that installing a newer package would be a good thing to do? It may contain newer functionality but you can't use that anyway, so there's no benefit there. Any bug fixes would have been applied to previous versions as well, so there's no benefit there. There could be breaking changes, so there's quite possibly detriment there. Even if the compiler would let you install that package, there's no benefit to be had and distinctly possible detriment. Stop making easy things hard.
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