Data Sync


New member
Jul 21, 2021
Programming Experience
Hello everyone , i am new to development in .net core framework or .net
i have .net desktop application using sql server ( local ) , i've created a dashboard (javascript front end / c# api backend) hosted on cloud.
i am searching for a way to get data from local sql server ( read only) into cloud and fetch it in dashboard.

different solutions little bit complicated , i want to ask about how to write a console app (c#) that get data from sql server and upload it to a table in cloud so i can use it in dashboard.
the sync should be done every 10min.
Add an API to your backend that accepts data to be uploaded to it. Do you really need the sophisticated SQL style data replication, or are simple uploads sufficient?
Add an API to your backend that accepts data to be uploaded to it. Do you really need the sophisticated SQL style data replication, or are simple uploads sufficient?
Simple uploads since the dashboard shows charts depending on numbers so i wanna get numbers ex ( sales year-to-day ) , ( total sales of today ) , ( open orders amount ) ... and some reports so the queries should be run locally and sent to the cloud db which it can be maybe a table for each client then fetched to dashboard.
microsoft power bi has something similar maybe ( data gateway ) !!
so how u think the best solution to do that?

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