Question Delegate Confusion


New member
Aug 20, 2015
Programming Experience
I am quite confuse with Delegate
I see some examples like
public delegate string FirstDelegate (int x);

class DelegateTest
string name;

static void Main()
FirstDelegate d1 = new FirstDelegate(DelegateTest.StaticMethod);

DelegateTest instance = new DelegateTest(); = "My instance";
FirstDelegate d2 = new FirstDelegate(instance.InstanceMethod);

Console.WriteLine (d1(10)); // Writes out "Static method: 10"
Console.WriteLine (d2(5)); // Writes out "My instance: 5"

static string StaticMethod (int i)
return string.Format ("Static method: {0}", i);

string InstanceMethod (int i)
return string.Format ("{0}: {1}", name, i);

However i failed to see any advantage in using delegate. Why wouldn't someone write codes like. Wouldn't it be too troublesome to 'new' some other objects just to preform the same job?
static void Main()
//FirstDelegate d1 = new FirstDelegate(DelegateTest.StaticMethod);

//DelegateTest instance = new DelegateTest();
// = "My instance";
//FirstDelegate d2 = new FirstDelegate(instance.InstanceMethod);

Console.WriteLine (StaticMethod (10)); // Writes out "Static method: 10"
Console.WriteLine (InstanceMethod (5)); // Writes out "My instance: 5"
You also have some confusion about instance and static, this is not valid code:
Console.WriteLine (InstanceMethod (5)); // Writes out "My instance: 5"
compiler error:
An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'DelegateTest.InstanceMethod(int)'
Static Classes and Static Class Members (C# Programming Guide)
10.2.5 Static and instance members (C#)
Generally speaking, it is useful to think of static members as belonging to classes and instance members as belonging to objects (instances of classes).
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