Resolved Drag-and-drop Forms for ASP.NET Core?


Active member
Apr 19, 2021
Programming Experience
I am going to create a cross-platform project for my company. So far, only Windows has this drag-and-drop form builder.

As I am trying to make it cross-platform, I don't seem to be able to find this feature for net core projects.

Is there such a thing for ASP.NET.core projects?
You'll have to lean on your JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and JQuery skills to implement any kind of drag and drop, and it will all be within the the client side browser. Basically, forget about ASP.NET Core and think about how you would do it with a plain old web page.
You'll have to lean on your JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and JQuery skills to implement any kind of drag and drop, and it will all be within the the client side browser. Basically, forget about ASP.NET Core and think about how you would do it with a plain old web page.
Web forms have the capabilities to change web programming through a new programming model which is developed around server-side control. The model renders their own UIs by creating HTM to return to clients and firing events which are managed by server-side scripts.
And how does that get drag and drop working for the OP? What magic server side out-of-the-box WebForms control will suddenly give the OP the drag and drag feature he is looking for?

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