Resolved Dynamically changing a property value while in a 'for' statement


New member
May 18, 2020
Programming Experience
Hi everyone, I'm a fairly new programmer, hobbyist only and much self taught... I've got a small application which polls numbered devices over a serial connection. As it does so i would like to to update some status blocks in the UI with different background colours depending on the status. I can easily assign a background colour to the item if i know the name of the item but my item name changes every time i cycle throught the for statement.
The items i want to change the colour on are named squentially eg: lblCms1, lblCms2, lblCms3 etc. and the for loop iterates through an integer i which would relate to each one of these.
I hope what i've written makes sense. I've attached a screenshot of the application and the relevant section of code is below. It's the list of CMS1, CMS2 etc labels i'd like to change the background colour of.

        private async Task  PollNetworkAsync()
            cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            int _camOrigin = Int32.Parse(camOrigin.Text);
            int _camNumber = Int32.Parse(camNumber.Text);

           while (true)
                for (int i = _camOrigin; i <= (_camOrigin + _camNumber); i++)
                    toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Polling CMS " + i + ". "; // Attempt: " + (myRetries + 1);
                    log.AppendText("Polling CMS " + i + ". "); // Attempt: " + (myRetries + 1) + " : ");
                    char message = '?';
                    await sendSerialWaitForReply(i, message);
            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Poll cycle complete";

        private async Task sendSerialWaitForReply(int dest, char message)
            int myRetries = 0;
            int _camRetries = Int32.Parse(camRetries.Text);
            int _camTimeout = Int32.Parse(camTimeout.Text);

            while (myRetries < _camRetries)
                    serialPort1.WriteLine("<" + dest + ",00," + message + ">");
                    serialPort1.ReadTimeout = _camTimeout;
                    string recievedParameters = await Task.Run(() => serialPort1.ReadTo("\n"), cts.Token);
                    receivedData.Text = recievedParameters;
                    await parseIncomingSerial(recievedParameters);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    log.AppendText("Polling Cancelled by user!" + Environment.NewLine);
                    cts = null;
                catch (TimeoutException)
                    toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Timeout";
                    log.AppendText("CMS did not reply. " + Environment.NewLine);


  • comms controller screenshot.png
    comms controller screenshot.png
    37.2 KB · Views: 22
For example get the control array, then access by index:
var labels = groupBoxOverview.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToArray();
If they don't appear in the right order you could turn it into a dictionary using the number in Text, then access by key:
var labels = groupBoxOverview.Controls.OfType<Label>().ToDictionary(lbl => int.Parse(lbl.Text.Substring(3)), lbl => lbl);
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