error C2065 undeclared identifier

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New member
Jul 6, 2020
Programming Experience
Hey I'm hoping someone can point out the noob mistake I'm making here, I get 4 undeclared identifier errors when compiling (Visual Studio 2013) and cannot figure out where and how to declare them.

error C2065: 'IDR_MAINWND' : undeclared identifier error C2065: 'ID_FILE_EXIT' : undeclared identifier error C2065: 'ID_TOOLS_OPTIONS' : undeclared identifier error C2065: 'ID_HELP_ABOUT' : undeclared identifier

source files: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

Any help is appreciated! Would anyone mind opening the project file and compiling them to see what's up?

Mainwnd.cpp snippets:

wcx->lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINWND); case WM_COMMAND: { int id = LOWORD(wParam); int code = HIWORD(wParam); switch (id) { case IDC_ITEMFILTER: if (code == EN_CHANGE) itemList->updateSelected(); break; case ID_FILE_EXIT: PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break; case ID_TOOLS_OPTIONS: { SettingsWnd settings(this); settings.doModal(); } break; case ID_HELP_ABOUT: { AboutDlg about(this); about.doModal(); } break; } } break;
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Well the main thing that is going wrong is that you are using a C++ file and trying to compile it as a C# file.
Ah, interestingly the error code above are C/C++ errors, not C# errors, so at least the compiler is trying to help you by compiling the code as C or C++ instead of as C#. Those identifiers that are missing are in Windows.h and all the other child header files that Windows.h includes. Very likely you are ignoring some of the first few error messages the compiler is showing you regarding missing header files.

Anyway, that is a C/C++ problem. This is a C# forum. I suggest asking your question over at's C/C++ subforum.

Closing this thread...

Edit after: Actually I recommend a different from other than for that question. That forum does not look kindly on game cheats and hacks which is what that MuleView looks to do.
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