Resolved Filter Listbox using textbox


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2020
Programming Experience
I have done this in a Winform application, and understand how that is done, but in WPF, I don't have a binding source instead I have a DataTable/DataView with a {Binding Column} in the XAML file.

So when I come to filter the Listbox I am struggling a little - either getting a syntax error or simply nothing is happening when I type.

Code for populating:

System.Data.DataTable table = new System.Data.DataTable();

DataColumn codeColumn = new DataColumn("Code", typeof(string));
            DataColumn projColumn = new DataColumn("Project", typeof(string));

            dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();



            DataView view = new DataView(table);
            codeList.ItemsSource = view;
            projList.ItemsSource = view;

This works fine, and with the XAML below, I have two list boxes, linked as I wanted them to be, and when I double click on an entry in one list box the other textbox populates with the selected item from the other list...which is perfect.


<ListBox x:Name="codeList" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.RowSpan="3" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="7" FontSize="10" ItemsSource="{Binding codeColumn}" DisplayMemberPath="Code" SelectedValuePath="Code" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" MouseDoubleClick="codeList_MouseDoubleClick"/>

The projList is exactly the same.

I was attempting to filter with:

DataView code = new DataView(table);

            code.RowFilter = $"Code LIKE '*{codEntryTB.Text}'";

I have tried a lot of variations of this, based on the MSDN site (though I find that quite lacking on this particular issue - having a single example of "Code < 3", and various other tutorial sites - I can't see why it is not working.

I feel like I am missing something, like refreshing the codeList after the filter so that the filter takes effect, but every tutorial I have seen omits this as if it is not necessary and should happen automatically, so a little lost on why nothing is happening.
From what I can tell, you have told codeList and projList to bind to the to the DataView instance in the variable view. Now you are creating another DataView instance and applying a filter to it. How do you expect, codeList and projList to know about this new instance?
From what I can tell, you have told codeList and projList to bind to the to the DataView instance in the variable view. Now you are creating another DataView instance and applying a filter to it. How do you expect, codeList and projList to know about this new instance?
That is why a second pair of eyes is always useful.

Yes, of course they are not even slightly linked, how could it possibly know.....I moved it to a public variables for use through-out and of course it works perfectly.

Thanks for taking a minute to look and let me know Skydiver

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