first person play in in Unity ?


New member
Feb 24, 2022
Programming Experience
I want to program in Unity in C #
Serious first-person play
How can i do it?
You would do it the same way you would with most any other 3D game programming engine. Do you already know C#? Do you already know how to do 3D game programming? If not, then start there first.
Learn a programming language first. Trying to go up the learning curve of learning how to program at the same time trying to learn how to do 3D game programming is very hard unless you are taking a single class being taught by a very good teacher. Yes, there are some books that try to do both at the same time, but I've got my doubts about their success rates.
It sounds like you want to be an expert without doing any of the worm. No one goes straight from zero to "Serious first-person play" without significant effort in between. As suggested, you should learn the basics of C# first, then the basics of Unity. There are plenty of tutorials around for both. We don't have access to some magic web site that will make you a C#/Unity expert in no time that you wouldn't know about otherwise. Just search the web and find appropriate tutorials and work through them. The point of this site is not to give you the broad strokes of programming but rather to help with specific issues you encounter along the way. Your question is far from specific.
It's that or moartov is part of a 2 man spam team like they used to do around the mid 2010's. One person posts kind of an open ended question, and some people try to answer the question, but is ignored by the OP. Then one or two days later another person brand new account responds touting some miracle web site, and then suddenly the OP responds about how great the site is and it answers his questions exactly. Thankfully, that form of spamming has died away.

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