Question get signal strength


May 18, 2015
Programming Experience
i am beginner in c# and I want to get signal strength from tbs 5922se dvb (bda) in c# and show that in the form but i don't know how to do?can anybody help me and write sample code only for that work? thanks alot
I have no idea what a "tbs 5922se dvb (bda)" is. I assume that it's some sort of hardware device. How is it connected to the machine? Is there any software associated with it?
yes it used API and shared a dll too.

Then you need to examine that API and, in particular, any documentation provided for it. You will presumably need to call one or more functions it exposes in order to interact with the device.
it's c++ api can I used that for c#?

Yes you can. You have to use Platform Invoke, pinvoke for short. Basically, you write a C# function declaration with a signature that's compatible with a C++ function in the DLL and then you apply the DllImport attribute to the function to map it to the appropriate function in the appropriate DLL. It's exactly the same way that .NET applications invoke the Windows API, e.g. calling FindWindow, FindWindowEx and SendMessage to set text in a text box or click a button in an external application.

I'll let you do more specific research from there. One point where you might have an issue is determining exactly which managed types to use to correspond to the unmanaged parameter and return types in the original code. By all means post back and provide the original function declarations in that case.

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