Help on Assignment

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New member
Nov 10, 2015
Programming Experience
I have been able to do my assignment however I cant find my errors can someone help?
#include <stdio.h>int get_int (void);

// B. Overtime

 #define TIME 40   // Overtime (more than TIME hours) 
 #define ADD 1.5   // ADD times longer
 // C. Tax 
 #define LIMIT1 300  // First $ LIMIT1 as RATE1
 #define RATE1 0.15  
 #define LIMIT2 150  // The dollar as a LIMIT2 RATE2
 #define RATE2 0.20 
 #define RATE3 0.25 // Remaining bits RATE3
 int main (void)
  double basic, hours, gross, tax;  
 printf ("Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action: \ n"); 
 printf ("1) $ 8.75 / hr \ t \ t \ t2) $ 9.33 / hr \ n"); 
 printf ("3) $ 10.00 / hr \ t \ t \ t4) $ 11.20 / hr \ n"); 
 printf ("5) quit \ n"); 
 switch (get_int ()) 
 {  case 1: basic = 8.75; break;
  case 2: basic = 9.33; break; 
  case 3: basic = 10.00; break; 
  case 4: basic = 11.20; break; 
  default: printf ("quit \ n"); return (0); // Exit the program } 
  printf ("you have select $% 2lf \ n.", basic);
  printf ("input the work hours of a week:");
  scanf ("% lf", & hours); 
  if (hours> 40) hours = 40 + (hours - 40) * 1.5; 
  gross = hours * basic;  
  printf ("gross income: \ t \ t% lf \ n", gross);
  if (gross <= LIMIT1) tax = gross * RATE1;  
  else if (gross <= LIMIT2) tax = LIMIT1 * RATE1 + (gross - LIMIT1) * RATE2;
  else tax = LIMIT1 * RATE1 + LIMIT2 * RATE2 + (gross - LIMIT1 - LIMIT2) * RATE3;
  printf ("tax: \ t \ t \ t% lf \ n", tax); 
  printf ("net income: \ t \ t% lf \ n", gross - tax); 
  return (0);
  int get_int (void) // Get a suitable integer, filter out illegal number
   int num; char str [40];  
   while (scanf ("% d", & num)! = 1)
   gets (str); 
   printf ("error% s is not a number input again \ n!..", str); 
   while (getchar () = '\n'!);
   return num;   }
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