Hi guys been trying to learn C# on my own.


Jul 3, 2023
Programming Experience
Just wondering what the best free learning resources are and the best way to go about learning im 51 now and really need a career change, ive always had pc's for gaming but would love to know more about C# and devolopment.
Any input greatly appreciated Paul :)
Do you already have a programming background and it's just a matter of learning C# the language? Or do you also have to learn how to program as well?
Do you already have a programming background and it's just a matter of learning C# the language? Or do you also have to learn how to program as well?

I need to learn how to I'm trying the Microsoft learning, my background is driving trucks so need to learn from scratch, I've done the whole hello world and such like. Want to learn what I can to become a junior developer really.
Having a conversation with ChatGPT would be quite helpful; I talk to it like it's a junior dev all the time, carefully specifying what I want it to do, then take a look at the code it generates

"please create me a Blazor server side page with table on that shows the results of calling an api to get a list of cars. I'd also like the relevant services that call the api to be created but instead of making an actual http call you can fake the data"


Having a conversation with ChatGPT would be quite helpful; I talk to it like it's a junior dev all the time, carefully specifying what I want it to do, then take a look at the code it generates

"please create me a Blazor server side page with table on that shows the results of calling an api to get a list of cars. I'd also like the relevant services that call the api to be created but instead of making an actual http call you can fake the data"

View attachment 2857
View attachment 2858

Wow thats awesome thanks :)
Just wondering what the best free learning resources are and the best way to go about learning im 51 now and really need a career change, ive always had pc's for gaming but would love to know more about C# and devolopment.
Any input greatly appreciated Paul :)

Well, in my opinion, age is just a number if you want to learn C# then by following the same practice, you can do what you are looking for.
1. Set your goals
2. Start with basics
3. Join online/offline courses
4. Books
5. Practice, practice and practice
Further if you feel any problem then you can post it on some reputed community such as stackoverflow, github and csharpforum.net and many more.
Free is not allows the best way to go if committed to learning and to get a job, expect to spend at least two years of learning how to programming.

Get started with learning how to work with databases with a recommendation with SQL-Server without C# as any job that uses C# will need database skills.

Get SSMS (SQL-Server Management Studio) to work with SQL-Server and SQL Prompt to assist with working with databases.

Once you have a solid grasp with databases move on to C#. Get the current release of Visual Studio Community edition.

When starting out
  • Set goals which means, go through say using GitHub with Visual Studio, know the basics inside and out before moving to another topic.
  • Learn how to use GitHub in Visual Studio which allows you to stored your code on the web. Good example, you have working code than at some point the code fails to work and you do not know why. Knowing GitHub means you can undue changes back to a working state.
  • Managing projects. Having a solid understanding of projects is paramount for writing organized code.
  • Study C# programming guide.
  • Use Console projects and avoid Top-level statements.
  • The following will not make sense at first but avoid writing all code in Program.cs in a console project, learn how to separate code into classes and exploring object oriented programming with classes and objects.
  • When coding in Visual Studio, there are in many cases hidden code samples available as per the following article. They are not always helpful while in many cases are.
  • At some point in time when you feel comfortable, scope out a simple project, write out task before coding then write the code rather than thinking and coding at the same time. Thinking and coding at a novice level is simply out is a disaster waiting to happen.
  • When going through Microsoft documents and find topics of interest use their bookmark system by clicking on the plus symbol as shown below.

Don't be cheap if serious about learn to work with C#. Sure there are plenty of free courses on the web to learn from. There are downsides to free courses, anyone can post a free course which means they may or may not be correct.

Good courses will lead you into learning about proper coding using proper OOP by providing the basics and not go overboard which goes with the following.

A really great way to get started is to get a subscription to Puralsight which has a free trial and currently has a 60% off deal. There is a what is called SkillIO which accesses your skill level than recommends courses for you to take.
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