how to build C# projects


New member
May 16, 2023
Programming Experience
Hi everyone,
I want to know what is the best way to build some C# projects?
I've already built some console projects, but I want to expand my knowledge and build something more complex (not the game). Just something on the web or like that.
Please, can you help me to find how? Also, please can you link me some resources to learn and build, because the best way to learn is to build something related to the programming language.
I want to learn backend programming for the beginning and later expand it on frontend.
Thanks a lot!
If you do a simple Google search for "suggested beginner C# projects" you should find lots of hits. Tackling projects that sound interesting to you is a great way to learn a language as well as expand your skills.

Another poster on this forum has a link to a site that has beginner projects. I am not going to post that link here though, because I am opposed to the idea of that site because right below the project suggestion, they have a link to a YouTube video that shows you step-by-step of how to build it. Part of learning to be a programmer is starting from an idea and then breaking that down into smaller problems and then solving those problems. It's also a matter of learning to ask questions and doing the research to find answers to those questions. I also think that YouTube is a terrible medium for teaching programming -- but then I may belong to a generation of programmers that learned by reading the manual, and cracking open non-programming domain knowledge specific books and then trying to figure out how to programmatically implement it.
Hello this is Gulshan Negi
To build more complex projects using C# and expand your knowledge of backend programming and later frontend development, here are the key steps to follow:
  1. Ensure a strong foundation in C# by understanding language fundamentals and object-oriented programming concepts.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the .NET framework, particularly the latest version (.NET 5 or .NET Core), which provides a robust platform for building applications.
  3. Choose a web framework such as ASP.NET Core for backend web development. Explore the official documentation and tutorials provided by Microsoft for ASP.NET Core.
  4. Learn frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop the user interface of your web applications. For more advanced front-end development, consider using front-end frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js.
  5. Combine backend and frontend by integrating your ASP.NET Core backend with the frontend technologies of your choice. Learn about RESTful APIs and how to interact with them using JavaScript frameworks or libraries.
When it comes to learning resources, consider the following options:

1. Microsoft Learn: Utilize the comprehensive tutorials and learning paths on the Microsoft Learn website.
2. FreeCodeCamp: Access their free programming courses that cover C#, .NET, and web development.
3. Pluralsight: Explore their subscription-based platform with video courses on C#, .NET, and web development.
4. YouTube: Take advantage of tutorials and walkthroughs available on YouTube from channels dedicated to teaching programming.

Remember to practice regularly and work on small projects to apply what you learn. As you gain more experience, gradually tackle more complex applications. Additionally, feel free to seek help from online communities or forums when faced with challenges. Best of luck on your journey to building projects with C# and expanding your backend and front-end development skills!

I hope you are clear now.

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