How to extend authentication for a C#/.NET web app to Django project?


New member
Mar 16, 2023
Programming Experience
I have a C#/.NET web site with SAML authentication implemented on it. In a page of this web site, I put a link for another web site, made in Python-Django, and I need to implement the same authentication system. So, it's like I want to extend the same authentication to Django website (same IAM).

How can I implement it for the Python-Django web site?
As I understand things, the Django site should know how to get its own SAML token. So you should just redirect to the URL hosted by that site which will initiate the SAML handshaking. I don't think it is safe for you to pass on your auth tokens on to another app. Consider what would happen if your site hosted an ad, an that as went to another site with your SAML token.
Thank you for you answer @Skydiver ! You understand the situation!
I know the risk associated to this type of beaviour; but if I however would do it, how could I do?
If you are willing to take the risk, then just turn off authentication in the Django app. Just pass along the username to the Django app.

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