How to prevent entry of any punctuation marks or other symbols from textbox


New member
Aug 18, 2016
Programming Experience
Hello I?m new with C#, so I have to figure out how to prevent entry of any punctuation marks or any other symbols from textbox to write it into the text document, allow only one white-space, characters and numbers. If punctuation mark is between two attached characters without white-space, then I want remove it and join this place, but if punctuation mark is somewhere between two characters with one or several white-spaces or if just several white-spaces I want remove mark(s) and keep only one white-space between words. And write everything in lower case.

So as I understand I need here following things, but have no idea how to do it:

1. Remove everything except character and numbers.
2. Keep only one white-space between attached characters and remove all extra white-spaces.
3. Join parts with characters if mark was between without white-space.
4. Write everything in lowercase.
5. And take into consideration that I used here `String.TrimEnd()` function to remove white-space at the end of each new line before write it into the file.

So for example if textbox content is:

   Hello, off world 1!...

Or with several white-spaces:

 hello        off  world?       1    --...

Or with several whitespaces with marks inside or marks attached to end or beginning of word:

    *_Hello      , off,%)-  >world? 1

Or marks between attached characters in word:

    H,e.*l+l-o .of!f wo/rld? 1

In result I want get in text document only:

    hello off world 1

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