Question How to put result of sql script in textbox winform


New member
Mar 17, 2021
Programming Experience
i have this sql script how show me due date résult when i execute it in sql:
SET language british;

DECLARE @business_hours TABLE
     work_day   VARCHAR(10),
     open_time  VARCHAR(8),
     close_time VARCHAR(8)

INSERT INTO @business_hours
VALUES      ('Monday',

INSERT INTO @business_hours
VALUES      ('Tuesday',

INSERT INTO @business_hours
VALUES      ('Wednesday',

INSERT INTO @business_hours
VALUES      ('Thursday',

INSERT INTO @business_hours
VALUES      ('Friday',

INSERT INTO @business_hours
VALUES      ('Saturday',

     holiday VARCHAR(10)

INSERT INTO @holidays
VALUES      ('02-02-2021')

INSERT INTO @holidays
VALUES      ('03-02-2021')

DECLARE @start_date DATETIME = '01-02-2021 16:12:47'
DECLARE @time_span INT = 970-- time till due in minutes
DECLARE @true BIT = 'true'
DECLARE @false BIT = 'false'
DECLARE @due_date DATETIME --our output
--other variables
DECLARE @date_string VARCHAR(10)
DECLARE @today_closing DATETIME
DECLARE @is_workday BIT = @true
DECLARE @is_holiday BIT = @false

SET @start_date = Dateadd(ss, Datepart(ss, @start_date) *- 1, @start_date)

WHILE ( @time_span > 0 )
      SET @due_date = Dateadd(minute, @time_span, @start_date)
      SET @date_string = Format(Dateadd(dd, 0, Datediff(dd, 0, @start_date)),
      SET @today_closing = (SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, @date_string + ' ' +
                            FROM   @business_hours
                            WHERE  work_day = Datename(weekday, @start_date))

      IF EXISTS((SELECT work_day
                 FROM   @business_hours
                 WHERE  work_day = Datename(weekday, @start_date)))
        SET @is_workday = @true
        SET @is_workday = @false

      IF EXISTS(SELECT holiday
                FROM   @holidays
                WHERE  holiday = @date_string)
        SET @is_holiday = @true
        SET @is_holiday = @false

      IF @is_workday = @true
         AND @is_holiday = @false
            IF @due_date > @today_closing
              SET @time_span = @time_span - Datediff(minute, @start_date,
              SET @time_span = @time_span - Datediff(minute, @start_date,

      SET @date_string = Format(Dateadd(dd, 1, Datediff(dd, 0, @start_date)),
      SET @start_date = CONVERT(DATETIME, @date_string + ' '
                                          + Isnull((SELECT open_time FROM
                                          @business_hours WHERE work_day
                                                            = Datename(weekday,
                                                            @date_string))), '')

SELECT @due_date

i wanna show this result (due_date) in text box windows form
can you help me please
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The SQL code itself is pretty much irrelevant. If you want to interact with a database in a .NET app then you use ADO.NET, which is the standard data access technology. I'm not going to answer your specific question because, in my experience, it would just mean that you'd be back with another specific question the next time you wanted to do anything even slightly different with a database. The better course of action is for you to do some research into ADO.NET in general and get a proper understanding of the basics of the subject as a whole. That will enable you to solve all manner of data access questions for yourself and only need to ask for help with specific issues of a more advanced nature. The one thing I will say is that, if you are aiming to get a single value from a database, ExecuteScalar is the method you will end up using. Once you have that single value, putting it into a TextBox is no different than with any other data, so that is a topic completely unrelated to the database question.

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