make an class “employee” with the atributes “name” and “salary”


New member
Jul 6, 2019
Programming Experience
can someone show me some examples with this class of constructors, methods and overload ??

define 2 employee and for the first one to rais the salary, then display the employees.

i`m very new to programming, i want to learn c#
and i want to know if i started right
using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class employee
        public string name{ get; set; }
        private double Salary;
        public double salary
            get { return Salary; }
                Salary= value;
                if (Salary< 0) Salary= 0;
        // constructor de clasa
        public employee(string _name= "Neinitializat", double _salary= 0)
            salary= _salary;
            name = _name;
        //constructor de copiere
        public produs (salary s)
            salary= s.salary;
            nsme =;

        public void citire()
            Console.WriteLine("NAme:"); name = Console.ReadLine();
        public void scriere()
            Console.WriteLine(name + ","  + Salary);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

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Pretty close.

This is not a constructor, though:
//constructor de copiere
public produs (salary s)
    salary= s.salary;
    name =;

A constructor would have the same name as the class. Since your class name is employee, produs above should be employee. Furthermore, it doesn't look like you have a type named salary, yet in that code above you are passing in s as some kind of salary type.

A few things about C# style:
In C#, the naming convention is to use PascalCase for classes, properties and methods; and camelCase for variables, fields, and arguments. In general, leading underscores for variable names are not recommended, but a lot of C++ to C# converts tend to name fields as _value, when in C++ they would have named their class members as m_value.

Since you didn't use code tags to wrap your code when you posted, i can't comment on your indenting, but based on the placement of the curly braces, I am guessing that you are following a good style.
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