Question Make scaling 100%


Active member
Jul 28, 2022
Programming Experience
When I open a project in VS 2017 Express, the main form shows with a yellow message saying scaling is 125%, followed by a link to restart VS with 100% scaling. I click the link, VS crashes with the message: Invalid Command Line. Unknown Switch : noScale. I really want to use a lower scale. I have a very large screen. How can I make it work? Thanks.
>So why don't you just set Windows to be at 100% scale?
Okay, how? Keep in mind I am not looking at the native screen of my laptop, but a 50 inch TV plugged into the HDMI port.

Windows Start Menu>Settings>Display. See "Scale and layount" section to change the scaling.
VS2017 hit end of support back on April 12, 2022. You might want to upgrade to a newer version.

So why don't you just set Windows to be at 100% scale? Aren't you defeating the purpose of having a higher resolution screen to just turn around and not make use of that additional screen real estate provided by the higher resolution? It would be like have a 1024x768 resolution monitor, but telling Windows to display at 800x600. Don't you want to use 1024x768? Or are the font too small at 100%? Perhaps you should have taken into account the dot pitch of the monitor instead of going for the highest resolution screen because that's what all the cool gamer kids recommend.
Thank you for your reply.
>VS2017 hit end of support back on April 12, 2022. You might want to upgrade to a newer version.
So that was a known bug they just kept to be fixed in a later version?

>So why don't you just set Windows to be at 100% scale?
Okay, how? Keep in mind I am not looking at the native screen of my laptop, but a 50 inch TV plugged into the HDMI port.
Who says it's a known bug? The point is that no one should be using a 7-year-old version of VS without very good reason. What you describe is not normal behaviour so the obvious first option, if you're determined to stick with an unsupported version of VS, is to do a repair.
>So why don't you just set Windows to be at 100% scale?
Okay, how? Keep in mind I am not looking at the native screen of my laptop, but a 50 inch TV plugged into the HDMI port.

Windows Start Menu>Settings>Display. See "Scale and layount" section to change the scaling.
Who says it's a known bug? The point is that no one should be using a 7-year-old version of VS without very good reason. What you describe is not normal behaviour so the obvious first option, if you're determined to stick with an unsupported version of VS, is to do a repair.

I work with Windows Forms in my applications. My experience has been that newer versions of VS do a lousy job of supporting Windows Forms. I've had to uninstall and revert to an older version. When posting such problems, I get "my copy works just fine with Window Forms" without any resolution.
I don't know what your specific experience has been but I've never had any issues with any later version in relation to WinForms. The support for WinForms under .NET Framework is exactly the same. For .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 and later, the entire WinForms UX was built from scratch, so there are some differences there. That may not have existed in VS 2017, so there's no real comparison there. There are some things missing and some bugs present there but that doesn't affect .NET Framework projects. I suspect that that's the actual difference you're talking about, so upgrading will have no effect there. Things will be the same for .NET Framework and, while not quite as good for .NET Core, that's still better than nothing at all.
There's also the fact that, if you do go to .NET Core, .NET 6 is the oldest version still supported and that goes out of support soon too, so your version of VS will be out of support and probably any version of .NET Core you can target is too. .NET Framework is still supported but I think that only has a year or so to go too.
The issue you are likely running into is because you are trying to using a .NET WinForms project, but the code that you are writing is better suited for use in a .NET Framework WinForms project. The solution is to choose "WinForms (.NET Framework)" project type. VS2017 just happens to default to the .NET Framework WinForms.
There's also the fact that, if you do go to .NET Core, .NET 6 is the oldest version still supported and that goes out of support soon too, so your version of VS will be out of support and probably any version of .NET Core you can target is too. .NET Framework is still supported but I think that only has a year or so to go too.

Never had any interest in switching to .NET core., so no worries there.
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