Need help understanding some code (parameters)

May 26, 2019
Programming Experience
class Member
        public Member()
            Console.WriteLine("Parent Constructor with no parameter");

        public Member(string pName, int pMemberID, int pMemberSince)
            Console.WriteLine("Parent Constructor with 3 parameters");

            name = pName;
            memberID = pMemberID;
            memberSince = pMemberSince;

        protected int annualFee; //protected classes are a access modifer that can only be accessed through this class and classes that derive from it
        private string name;
        private int memberID;
        private int memberSince;

        public override string ToString()
            return "\nName: " + name + "\nMember ID: " + memberID + "\nMember since: " + memberSince + "\nAnnual fee:" + annualFee;

        public void CalculateAnnualFee()
Here's the entire class but the focus is only on this part:

  public Member(string pName, int pMemberID, int pMemberSince)
            Console.WriteLine("Parent Constructor with 3 parameters");

            name = pName;
            memberID = pMemberID;
            memberSince = pMemberSince;
            annualFee = 0;
I just can't seem to wrap my head around how this function works with the class? If that makes sense? It's really everything about this that I don't seem to get so this isn't very specific, sorry.
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Did you acquire this code from MSDN Forums? If you wrote the code yourself, you'd surely know how it works and what it is doing. Can you explain a little as to what it is that you don't understand?

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