Picker SelectedItem binding issue


Mar 29, 2023
Programming Experience
I am running into an issue since I am not super familiar with mvvm and binding.

I have a picker in a collectionview. I want this bind to OnPropetyChaning. But since it is a collectionview all of the pickers are bind the same item list of option. So when I change one all of the are effected.

How do I bind each picker to an individual item in the items ObservableCollection?

I have tried sever solution buy making [ObservableProperty] with set => SetProperty(ref _testPossibleResult , value); etc.

Every solution I can think of or is suggested to me results in the same behaviour. So I need some help, is this my issue or is Maui with collectionview not able to provide the functionality I need?

viewmodel and model:
public partial class MainPageViewModel : ObservableObject

    public List<PossibleTestResultModel> l_PossibleTestResultModels { get; set; }
    public List<FailedTestReasonsModel> l_FailedTestResultModels { get; set; }

    public MainPageViewModel()
        Items = new ObservableCollection<string>();
        l_PossibleTestResultModels = new List<PossibleTestResultModel>()
            new PossibleTestResultModel() { testPossibleResult = "NA"},
            new PossibleTestResultModel() { testPossibleResult = "OK"},
            new PossibleTestResultModel() { testPossibleResult = "FAIL"},


        l_FailedTestResultModels = new List<FailedTestReasonsModel>()
            new FailedTestReasonsModel() { failedTestReason = "CABLE"},
            new FailedTestReasonsModel() { failedTestReason = "LINK"},
            new FailedTestReasonsModel() { failedTestReason = "MODBUS"},
            new FailedTestReasonsModel() { failedTestReason = "STICK"},
            new FailedTestReasonsModel() { failedTestReason = "OTHER"},


    ObservableCollection<string> items;

    string text;

    bool isActive;
    void Add()
        // PossibleTestResults.Add(new TestResultModel() { testResult = text });
        Text = string.Empty;

    private PossibleTestResultModel possibleTestResultSelected;
    partial void OnPossibleTestResultSelectedChanging(PossibleTestResultModel possibleTestResultSelected)
        IsActive = false;

        //TODO make it not static bind to a number. If the order changes the code will break
        if ("FAIL" == possibleTestResultSelected.testPossibleResult)
            IsActive = true;
    public int possibleTestFailureResultSelected;
    partial void OnPossibleTestFailureResultSelectedChanging(int possibleTestFailureResultSelected)
        //TODO make it not static bind to a number. If the order changes the code will break
        if (1 == possibleTestFailureResultSelected)

public class PossibleTestResultModel
    public string testPossibleResult { get; set; }

public class FailedTestReasonsModel
    public string failedTestReason { get; set; }
                <DataTemplate x:DataType="{x:Type x:String}">
                    <Grid ColumnDefinitions="150,150,150"
                        <Label Grid.Column="0"  Text="Test text"
                        <Picker Grid.Column="1"
                                Grid.Row ="0" x:Name="testPicker" Title="Test Result"
                            ItemsSource="{Binding Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type viewmodel:MainPageViewModel}}, Path = l_PossibleTestResultModels}"
                            ItemDisplayBinding ="{Binding testPossibleResult}"
                            SelectedItem="{Binding  Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type viewmodel:MainPageViewModel}}, Path = PossibleTestResultSelected}"
                        <Picker Grid.Column="2"
                                Grid.Row ="0" x:Name="failPicker" Title="Fail Cause"
                            ItemsSource="{Binding Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type viewmodel:MainPageViewModel}}, Path = l_FailedTestResultModels}"
                            ItemDisplayBinding ="{Binding failedTestReason}"
I forgot to update this one.

the solution was add the picker list to the model.
Then when the model is populated, create a new temp list of strings, and add the result to the list of the mode.
I forgot to update this one.

the solution was add the picker list to the model.
Then when the model is populated, create a new temp list of strings, and add the result to the list of the mode.

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