Place solution and project in the same directory


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2023
Programming Experience
Just wondering how you guys do it. Is it a good idea to check that box, or does it not matter much?

And when you are using a keyboard shortcut like CTRL + F5, are you supposed to hit CTRL first, then hit F5? Or are you supposed to press them down simultaneously? I've never known about that, that is why I'm asking.

Been experimenting with Visual Studio 2019. No entry there for making a console app with .NET Core. But because I'm just a hobbyist and I'm not selling or giving my programs away to people, I would imagine that still selecting a console app for the .NET Framework will still be okay.
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Just wondering how you guys do it. Is it a good idea to check that box, or does it not matter much?

There seems little point to putting them in the same folder, but if you're only going to have a single project in the solution, it's not going to hurt either. If you will or might add more than one project to the solution, definitely don't put the initial project in the same folder as the solution.
And when you are using a keyboard shortcut like CTRL + F5, are you supposed to hit CTRL first, then hit F5? Or are you supposed to press them down simultaneously? I've never known about that, that is why I'm asking.

This is something you could have tested for yourself. It's not specific to programming or even VS. If you try to press them at the same time, Windows will generally detect them as a key combo, but there's a chance that you'll actually hit the modifer too late, so I generally press the modifier first. It's only by a fraction of a second though. If you're using one hand then it's generally easier to press the modifier first. All this goes double if there are multiple modifiers.
Been experimenting with Visual Studio 2019. No entry there for making a console app with .NET Core. But because I'm just a hobbyist and I'm not selling or giving my programs away to people, I would imagine that still selecting a console app for the .NET Framework will still be okay.

Firstly, I'd suggest that you start using VS 2022, unless you have a specific reason to use VS 2019. The former is just as free as the latter and it supports all the current framework versions.

That said, VS 2019 absolutely supports Console app projects targeting .NET Core.


The highlighted project template is .NET Core. Note that .NET 5 and later are based on .NET Core. If the template doesn't specifically state that it's for .NET Framework, it's for .NET Core.
I fired up the installer and looked around. I added something about Core development. I can see something now that says Console App .NET Core. I don't see the green C# icon on top though.
I just ran the installer for VS 2019 and can confirm that it doesn't support past .NET 5, which is well out of support now. You should upgrade to VS 2022 (both can be installed if you like) and target .NET 6 or 8, which are both LTS, or .NET 9. You can just target .NET Framework if you want but I would generally avoid doing so except for basic learning purposes.
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