Resolved programming for instagram with Token(SDK?)


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
Programming Experience
Is it possible to develop Instagram software with C#?
(If we assume we have the token).
There isn’t any SDK for it.

Yes it is.

Can you post to Instagram from C#? No

Instagram have a display API, and that's about all you can do with it.

Any attempt to circumvent their system will result in any accounts using your software banned, along with your app and any API you signed up for revoked.

All you need is here : Instagram Developer Documentation
Yes it is.

Can you post to Instagram from C#? No

Instagram have a display API, and that's about all you can do with it.

Any attempt to circumvent their system will result in any accounts using your software banned, along with your app and any API you signed up for revoked.

All you need is here : Instagram Developer Documentation
Facebook's Graph API is accessible via REST-ful web service calls. C# is capable of doings REST-ful web service calls.

You still have the same issue as before where you have to use the Instagram Graph API (not the Facebook Graph API). The Instagram Graph API has a limited audience of essentially enterprises and businesses. If you need to use this for basic consumers, you are back to square one where the consumer Instagram API is for displaying only.
I am not an expert. I am only a senior developer with about 23 years experience. That does not make me or anyone else here an expert. In fact; most of us here are still learning tricks bits and bobs from each other.

The language Instagram provide examples for is not limited to the language you can use. Like any API, (and I am in the process of building a huge one.) They are not restricted by a given language. They all take post/put and get requests. The only difference is you need to work out how to do post put get and delete requests etc in C# and send those requests to their servers API. (Again; reminding you as Skydiver pointed out my previous statement, that their API is a display API and can't be used for post requests.)
On that note; that's a different topic all together. If you need more information, you should open a new topic on how to do that.
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