project selection help


Mar 23, 2025
Programming Experience
i have 50 mark of c# project . can anyone help me to decide project definition.
i think i would make a project that normal people can use and it can solve the real life problem.
can anyone help me to decide my project definition.
What does "50 mark" mean?

Does your project have to use WPF? If not, I can move this thread to the general C# discussion subforum, rather than this subforum that is specific to WPF.

Usually the term used is "project proposal" rather than "project definition", but it might just be a translation issue.
Anyway, if this is a free-form project for school, choose something that will:
- be do-able within the timeframe you have available before you need to submit/present your project: don't want to be rushing at the very end.
- cover an area that you are truly interested in: don't want to be up at 3AM working on this if your heart is not in it
- use resources that you have access to: don't want to work on a project that requires a laser when you don't have access to the physics lab
- within your current programming skillset*

The last one is marked with an asterisk. If you are truly in the programming field because it interests you, then you'll actually want a project that pushes you to learn more. On the other hand, if you are taking this programming course as a graduation requirement for your major (or minor), then you'll likely not want to expend anymore energy than you really have to to complete the course.
its a college semester project . i think i should make a file encryption decryption system .
because i already made same project using python cryptography & flask module.
What does "50 mark" mean?

Does your project have to use WPF? If not, I can move this thread to the general C# discussion subforum, rather than this subforum that is specific to WPF.

Usually the term used is "project proposal" rather than "project definition", but it might just be a translation issue.

i don't know about any framework. college only teach us basic language. in our 4th unit they are going to teach us .NET.
Moving to C# general...
You might not get a lot of credit for the encryption/decryption since Microsoft has already given you all the code you need:

Rolling your own encryption is highly discouraged unless you are either
  • a trained cryptograhper and you have a large battery of testing and code analytics tools to make sure you don't have any bugs in implementing your custom encryption; OR
  • you declare outright that the encryption algorithm is not meant for production use and only meant to discourage the casual hacker (e.g. Don't trust this custom encryption to store your banking information.)
You are already learning to use .NET because a large part of the libraries that you are using with C# is part of .NET. Even the simple console program that reads inputs and writes outputs is using .NET. C# is relatively tightly bound with .NET the same way C and C++ are tightly bound to the C and C++ runtime libraries.
Anyway, if this is a free-form project for school, choose something that will:
- be do-able within the timeframe you have available before you need to submit/present your project: don't want to be rushing at the very end.
- cover an area that you are truly interested in: don't want to be up at 3AM working on this if your heart is not in it
- use resources that you have access to: don't want to work on a project that requires a laser when you don't have access to the physics lab
- within your current programming skillset*

The last one is marked with an asterisk. If you are truly in the programming field because it interests you, then you'll actually want a project that pushes you to learn more. On the other hand, if you are taking this programming course as a graduation requirement for your major (or minor), then you'll likely not want to expend anymore energy than you really have to to complete the course.
which framework is best for me ?
i have 21 day to submit the project last date is 17 April for submission.
suggest me any project that increase my curiosity and knowledge.
and what if i made same project that i have already made in python [file encryption-decryption system].
and i think to use ASP.Net for web or window for desktop UI
which framework is best for me ?

Are you asking about some graphical user interface framework? a database framework? a game engine framework? a templating framework?

In general, I don't recommend beginners try to learn a new framework specially if working with a tight deadline. If over the next 3 weeks this is the only thing you are doing, then it will be do-able. If you have other schoolwork (and partying) to do, then stick with what you already know.

If you absolutely want a graphical user interface for your applications and you are planning on running only on Windows, then using the Windows Forms is probably going to be your lowest barrier to entry with a lot of books, articles, blogposts, tutorials (both written and video) available.
As for what kind of project to make, it really depends on your interests, level of expertise, and available time. Here's somethings that I recall some of my college classmates made as their CS102 projects using Turbo Pascal on DOS all the way back in 1988 with the entire semester as the timeline:
- virtual music synthesizer using the QWERTY keyboard
- tape and record music collection database
- Asteroids clone
- Tank clone
- banner printer (e.g. like the Banner printing feature from Brodurbund's Print Shop)
- disk defragger
- Norton Utilities DOS shell clone
- Boss mode Terminate-and-Stay-Resident keyboard shortcut
- ASCII art editor
- Pascal pretty printer (This was my project since I was interested in parsers and compilers and my teacher was a stickler for consistent coding style.)
As for what kind of project to make, it really depends on your interests, level of expertise, and available time. Here's somethings that I recall some of my college classmates made as their CS102 projects using Turbo Pascal on DOS all the way back in 1988 with the entire semester as the timeline:
- virtual music synthesizer using the QWERTY keyboard
- tape and record music collection database
- Asteroids clone
- Tank clone
- banner printer (e.g. like the Banner printing feature from Brodurbund's Print Shop)
- disk defragger
- Norton Utilities DOS shell clone
- Boss mode Terminate-and-Stay-Resident keyboard shortcut
- ASCII art editor
- Pascal pretty printer (This was my project since I was interested in parsers and compilers and my teacher was a stickler for consistent coding style.)

great !! you have a deep knowledge and experience in this language.
i know web development(frontend),basic knowledge of oracle SQL,and i am currently exploring python and learning OS.
according to your experience and my condition what type of project i would make.
its a semester project that contains 50 mark of credits according to my project our faculty take viva and give us mark.

**just ignore my bad english-grammar !!
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